Part 1: Unfortunate Lab Rats

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Before we begin there's two things you should know. The first is that all the dialogue is written like a screenplay just like all of my works. The second is that I have a dream to one day have this work discovered and picked up either as movies or a television series. With that said I'm going to give this all I have.

This is a story only meant for the strong. If you're a weak little sissy, then the door is that way. This isn't your typical kind of story of valiant heroes fighting for justice or love. The tale you're about to embark on is about four evil creatures and the battle that is brought onto their doorstep. You may not find yourself relating to them in any meaningful way, but you will root for them regardless. Before there is even a remote possibility of redemption, we must see them at their absolute worst. Love it or hate it they are the best hope humanity has......oh dear god they're our best hope.

The year is 2022. The Corona pandemic has finally been overcome and people are finally readjusting to their normal lives. Somewhere, deep in the heart of California there are a number of missing people that have spiked lately. San Francisco, a living cesspool of crime, corruption, homelessness and any other deplorable acts you can think of. Such is the case for a poor woman. She walks the intimidating alleys at night all by herself. A big mistake, but it's not like it would've really mattered if she was accompanied or not. Misfortune doesn't pick favorites. She can't help but feel like she's being watched, but there's nobody around. There's the buzzing of an insect ringing in her ears, and when it gets close it flies on her hand and sting her. It was a hornet, but the coloring was off, it's red and green. Before she can question what happens any further her vision begins to blur, and she passes out in the alleyway.

An unknown amount of time passes and she finds herself waking up in a room with a man she's never seen before. Judging by the man's expression he is in the same situation as her. The room is covered in some sort of military grade steel and there is a single door and some windows up above similar to an experimental lab's layout. There are also two strange dividers in the center of the room.

Woman: "Who are you and where are we?"

Man: "My name is Adam, and I have no idea where we are."

Woman: "I'm Haley, and I have no clue either."

Adam: "You were already here when I woke up, but I woke up first. I imagine we were taken at the same time."

Haley starts to cry.

Haley: "What is this even happening? I'm just a waitress!"

Adam: "I'm an electrician. I don't see any correlation between our jobs. There must be something else."

Haley: "Or it's random."

Adam: "You're right. We should search for a way out."

The two are canvasing the walls, searching for hidden pathways. After about ten minutes their search is unsuccessful.

Adam: "The people who put us there know what they're doing. I don't see a way out for us. We'll just have to wait."

Haley: "I don't want to just wait around just to die."

Haley is about to cover her face with her hands, but she notices a small mark on the palm of her right hand. It's a small hole like from a bug bite or a stinger.

Haley: "Hey I remember something. I was heading to my car and I heard a buzzing sound."

Adam: "Now that you mention it I'm starting to remember something similar. Did a bug really do this?"

The lights to the windows suddenly explode with light. A shadow figure is seen staring out at them. His voice is deep and harsh. There are no signs of any empathy in it.

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