Chapter Twelve

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A/N- Violence, gore. You may hate me at the end.

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Angela hasn't seen Bucky this way before, this angry. Angela was sitting in his office, she hears Bucky shouting giving out orders from the next room. Shes got to admit, it kinda scared her.

Angela knows that Daisy means alot to him which is why hes so angry.

"Move your ass now!" Angela hears him roar. Bucky storms in the office and slams the door shut, Angela jumps a bit.

Bucky walks to his desk and pours himself some whiskey.


"I'm fine Angel" he cuts her off. He drains his drink in one go, slamming the glass down on his desk when hes done.

"James you're not"

Bucky sighs.

"My dad took her right?"

He nods. "Yeah"

"I guess you're gonna kill him"

"I want to yes, hes taken too much from me"

Angela nods and gets off the couch, she walks to him and wraps her arms around his waist.

"I won't stop you"

Bucky turns around and kisses her, angela moans softly. Bucky breaks the kiss and cups her face.

"I'm sorry I've been... distant the last few days"

"James I get it, you don't have to apologize"

Bucky kiss her forehead. "Wanda is going to stay here with you ok? I got some places to be"

She nkds. "Please be safe"

"I will darling. I love you"

"Love you too"


Bucky, Steve and Sam pull into the docks. The three of them exit the car and walk into over to Buckys men.

"What have you found?" Steve asks.

"Nothing much, but we think that Peirce is behid it"

"Proof Hunter?" Bucky asks.

"Apparently his inside man Ward? A trader all along, he kidnapped Bobbi and nearly killed her" he explains. Buckys jaw ricks.

"Fuck I knew it"

"What about Daisy?" Steve asks.

"Well we know shes alive" Yelena states. "And he won't kill her, he needs her"

"For what?" Sam asks.

Yelena looks over at Bucky. "Bait. He wants you"

Bucky nods. "Alright, we leave tonight"

"Bitch did you hear what I just said?" Yelena snaps. "Its a trap set up for you"

"I heard. But that's not going to stop me from getting her back"

"For fucks sack" Yelena sighs.

"What's the plan then?" Mack asks.

"I don't know" Hunter replies. "But I called Nat shes-"

"God damn it, it's been 3 fucking days since Daisy's been missing! I don't care what we do, we need to get her back!" Steve shouts.

"Steve calm down" Sam tells him.

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