A Field of Poppy Flowers ♥️

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Scott was walking through a flower field just simply existing when he heard a sound behind him.

Turning he saw an attractive young male with blonde hair and blue eyes that were darker then his own that had a more teel tint to them. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you or anything" the boy said, "it's quite alright, you just surprised me is all" Scott smiled.

"Really? You turned around really fast"

"Yeah really"

"I-I see, I'm Jimmy by the way"

"It's very nice to meet you Jimmy, I'm Scott"

Jimmy blushed at the sound of him using his name and Scott only smiled more at how flustered he seemed.

"So, why are you here?" Scott asked with a wry grin.

"I wanted to find a poppy" Jimmy admitted sheepishly.

"Why are you here?"

Scott shrugged, "I kinda just... decided to exist in this flower forest" "exist?" Jimmy echoed, "yeah, I just kinda wander around" "you don't have a home?"

Scott shook his head, "not really" "want to build a home with me? I don't really have any friends and I already like you a lot!"

While Scott might have preferred Jimmy to refer to him as more then friends, he had to admit, he wouldn't mind living with Jimmy. I mean he didn't have a home so it just kind of made sense.

"Alright" Scott agreed and Jimmy smiled making Scott blush ever so slightly.

"Ok then! Where do you wanna live?"

"I mean... here is nice"

"Your right, it is very nice... almost as nice as you"

Scott blushed at the compliment, "th-thank you" "oh, sorry if I embarrassed you, I just thought you were rather pretty."

Scott's face was likely the colour of a tomato right now, but that didn't matter, "I mean... you're really pretty to" Jimmy blushed again, "ok but you are definitely more attractive!"


"Yeah! The cyan hair! The slightly pointy ears! Who wouldn't fall for you!"

Scott was really a blushing mess right now.

"I mean... you're quite attractive to" Scott mumbled

Jimmy laughed, "aww, did I make you flustered?"

"Can I not answer that?"

Jimmy smiled, "of course sunflower"

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