Heroes and Villains ❤️‍🩹

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Tw: mentions of death, explosions, burn wounds, falling off of buildings

(Not specifically flower husbands)

It was kill or be killed when you were a villain. Conflict with other villains is uncommon but always a possibility. Conflict with the heroes was always inevitable.

Scott, villain name: Frost-Hawk found himself and his husband in a rather sticky situation.

Jimmy, villain name: Neptune was injured, and badly so. Scott had used his ice powers to keep hero's Fungi and Dynamite at bay, but he knew it wouldn't last.

Sure enough, Scott leapt back as two more heroes; Amphitrite and The Crystal Wizard blocked their path.

"Your time is over Frost-Hawk" Amphitrite said while The Crystal Wizard only stared at Jimmy who was in Scott's arms. "You think your silly water powers will stop me?" Scott questioned sarcastically.

"Not at all, NOW" Scott leapt back as a huge explosion erupted from the part of the roof Scott had been a second before.

"Halt villain!" Fungi shouted in her shrill voice.

Dynamite raised his arm again, ready to strike which is when something odd happened.

A purple whip came and knocked Dynamite off the roof. Only The Crystal Wizard was capable of that.

"What the-" Fungi didn't even get to finish as she to was knocked off the roof same with Amphitrite shortly after. "Follow me!" The Crystal Wizard said running to jump on another roof.

While Scott wouldn't have in normal circumstances, he decided (begrudgingly) that it was ok just this once.

After a lot more running The Crystal Wizard stopped in a random alley.

"Here, give Neptune to me"

"Why should I trust you?"

"Because I want to help"

"But how can I be sure you're telling the truth?"

The Crystal Wizard took a deep breath before removing her veil.

"The names Gem, do you trust me now?"

Scott sighed, "fine I trust you"

Gem gently put her hands on the burn wounds Dynamite had inflicted on Jimmy and Scott watched as a soft orange glow appeared making the burns vanish entirely.

"I didn't know you had healing powers on top of everything else you can do" Scott said in awe.

"I only learned how to do it a month ago"

"Well... it was really effective"

"Argh... what happened?" Jimmy said, "J-Neptune!" Scott said relieved.

"Frost-Hawk" Jimmy said as Scott hugged him tightly.

"What happened?"

"You got really badly burned by Dynamite, and I healed you" Gem explained and Jimmy turned to face her.

"Crystal Wizard!?"

"Yep, you can call me Gem"

Jimmy looked from Gem to Scott then back at Gem before saying, "have you just became a villain purely because I was hurt?"

"No, I just got tired of all the villain deaths that happen because of heroes."

It was true there were a lot of villain casualties that were the faults of heroes, usually Dynamite.

"So... you're a villain now?"

"Yep, I guess I am"

"You'll need a new name" Scott pointed out

"True, how about... hmm... Nemesis"

Scott shrugged, "seems good to me"

Scott and Jimmy gave each other a look before they both removed their masks.

"Nice to meet you Nemesis, I'm Scott"

"And I'm Jimmy! Thanks for saving me by the way"

Gem smiled, "no problem"

And as the two husbands made their way through the city with their new friend, Scott thought that maybe it wouldn't be too bad having Gem along for the ride.

She seemed honest enough.

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