The Florist ♥️

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Jimmy was walking down the street when he noticed something new.

It was a flower shop, and despite how it seemed to have been opened recently. Jimmy shrugged deciding that he might as well check it out.

Who knows, maybe he'll find some flowers he really liked.

Jimmy looked through all the flowers immediately noticing the amount of poppies used in the bundles.

Not that he minded or anything, poppies were his favourite flower and liked the amount the owner used, but it was rare to see this much at all.

Eventually he settled on a bundle that was a mix of poppies, marigolds, and carnations.

"Hello, would you like to check these out?" The person at the check out asked.

He had cyan hair that matched his eyes perfectly and wore a white T-shirt underneath his apron. "Uhm... yes" Jimmy said a bit flustered by his beauty, the man smiled, "alright, normally I'd charge this bundle around 10 bucks, but since your cute it's free"

Jimmy blinked at the compliment blushing like an idiot.

The man's smile only added to the red on his face. "T-thank you, sir" "just call me Scott" Jimmy nodded, "right sorry, er Scott"

Scott chuckled, "no need to apologize sir" "right..." Jimmy swallowed another apology.

"Hey maybe when I'm done working we could hang out some time"


"Yeah! You're quite cute so why not"

"Well then... I accept"

Scott smiled, "great! So since you're going to be waiting for my shift to end why don't you stay here."

"I mean I don't wanna be a bother or anything"

"No it's fine, I want you here"

Jimmy sighed, "alright I guess I'll wait" while Jimmy ended up getting incredibly bored, he had to admit it was worth it for Scott's big grin.

Even if they hardly new each other.

Jimmy felt like them meeting here was kind of meant to be.

Almost like fate.

Or the fact that the shop had a poppy on the sign outside.

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