Comforting ❤️‍🩹

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Tw: attempted murder, cannibalism, trauma

(Can't believe I almost forgot the trigger warning)

Jimmy hadn't known the cute little farmer rat had gotten attacked by Tubbo and Shelby until Acho and Owen had told him.

"Jimmy!" Owen called out as Acho yelled "safety rat!"

"Did something happen?" Jimmy asked.

"Tubrat and Shelby just tried to kill Scott"

A pause, and then.


Jimmy looked around wildly, "where are they now!? Is Scott ok?"

"He's fine" Owen reassured, "he's just traumatized"

"Where is he?"

"With Sniff right now currently" Acho answered

Jimmy nodded and scurried off towards Sniff's house. He hoped Scott was alright, but why would Tubbo and Shelby of all rats try to kill him?

Scott was kind, generous, sweet, gentle, beautiful, wait what?! Ignore that last part.

Tubbo and Shelby must've been out of their minds if they had tried to kill such a sweet and loving rat.

As Jimmy entered Sniff's house he immediately rushed over to hug Scott.

"Jimmy?" Scott questioned.

"Oh! Hi Jimmy" Sniff greeted.

"Are you alright Scott? You're not hurt are you?" Jimmy asked

"I-I'm fine" Scott mumbled although Jimmy could tell he was shaking badly.

"What happened?" Jimmy asked turning to Sniff.

"From what I heard, Tubbo and Shelby are cannibals, and when Scott found out about that he went to go confront them about and they decided to... push him off of Shelby's balcony. It failed and Scott ran away, but they did follow and try to kill him still, but eventually he got to Owen and the others."

"What happened to Tubbo and Shelby?"

"Nothing for the most part, everyone just thinks Tubbo is crazy"

"Do you think he is?"

"I mean probably, he does seem a little... out of it"

"Yeah I agree, you must be mad to try and kill Scott of all rats"

Sniff chuckled, "yeah I guess you have a point there."

"Hey Sniff, not that I don't like talking to you, but can I talk to Scott alone please?"

"I mean, I don't see why not, sure"

Jimmy watched Sniff leave the building before turning back to Scott, and sitting down next to him on Sniff's bed.

"So I... want you to have this... for self defence if they ever try to attack you again..." Jimmy said awkwardly, handing Scott a knife. "Thank you" Scott mumbled

"So from what Sniff said it seems like you kept yourself safe"

"Uhm, yeah I guess I did"

"That's good, the last thing any of us need is you to get hurt or..."


"Yeah... that..."

"Hey Jimmy"

"Yes Scott?"

"Thank you"

"For what?"

"For just being here... with me"

"I mean, I'm just being a good friend y'know, I'm sure Owen would be hovering over you if the others would give him the chance to."

"I mean, he already did that when I told him what happened, but it's nice to have someone I am really close to just be here with me, don't get me wrong I like Sniff a lot, but I'm not as close to them as I am with you."

"R-really? I mean we haven't talked much"

"Yeah but... it feels like I've known you forever"

"I guess you have a point there"

Scott leaned into Jimmy's side and he wrapped a protective arm around him.

Even if they weren't at a lover level just yet. Jimmy had to admit, he'd like that, but only when Scott was ready for it.

For now though, they could be... incredibly close friends.

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