A Cod Hybrid and An Elf ♥️

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Jimmy loved swimming through the cool waters of the ocean.

His sister Queen Lizzie really knew how to run the empire of water. She was the blue axolotl after all it was only natural that she was a born leader.

Today he was joined by someone.

"Hello Cod Boy" a Scottish voice called from above.

"Oh, hi Scott"

The elven king of Rivendell was flying above him large white wing tips brushing the surface of the sea.

"You seem rather happy" the elf noted, "something special happen?"

"No, not really, I kinda am just swimming"

"Swimming in a very happy manner"

Jimmy flipped himself so his back was no longer facing him.

"I'm literally half-cod, I can enjoy swimming in the ocean."

"I guess that's fair"

Scott paused before saying, "wanna try flying?"


"Yeah! Flying"

"I'm not an elf Scott, I don't have wings"

"No I meant me carrying you"

Jimmy blushed a bit, "r-really?"

"Yeah really, c'mon!"

And with that Scott hoisted Jimmy out of the water. It was nerve racking at first, but Jimmy found that he quite enjoyed it.

Eventually Scott landed on a random cliff which marked the end of their journey.

"So, what did you think?"

"Well, it was kinda nerve racking at first, but I really enjoyed it!"

Scott smiled, "I'm glad Petal"

"I thought that was my nickname for you" Jimmy laughed and Scott blushed slightly, "I can use that nickname for you to"

"I guess that's true"

Scott patted Jimmy on the head affectionately.

"I should probably fly you back home"

"You don't have to"

Scott chuckled, "you're right, but I don't want to know what will happen if Lizzie comes to visit you in your empire only to find out you're not there."

Jimmy laughed, "yeah, yeah fair enough"

And so the two took flight once again with Jimmy thinking that... maybe flying wouldn't be too bad to try and do again.

With Scott of course.

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