Too good

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We've been together for a little over a month know and it was amazing at first he's just a great guy when he wants to be he even cut back on the whole popping pills thing but good things only last for so long


He's been running around the house for the past hour calling Rob and calling him but he won't answer he's looking for some pills and he doesn't have any so he's tryna snag some of robs but he isn't picking up his snapchat story is filled up of him and Zach at some club in downtown Miami and for sure they had pills on the table that they were swallowing snorting whatever they could do with it

Austin was beyond pissed and I just sat here alex was here but he was downstairs with Sarah making out probably they had the door closed so I wouldn't doubt it austin slammed his phone on the counter and stood their for a minute with his hands on the counter breathing heavy before he grabbed his jacket and his phone kicking the door open downstairs minutes later he came back with alex he pulled him by the shirt collar and threw him his coat slammit the door behind them sarah just looked at me shocked

"Oh my god how embarrassing is he" i said covering my face

"I've known austin for a while that's not the first times he's done that" she said shrugging and sittin down on the couch


"Because he's bad crazy even he thinks alexs is his property and makes him go everywhere alex just agrees he dosent want to hear him"

"Shots down this way"

"Yo dude this club is banging how the hell did you find this place?"

"It's just some bitching club in downtown Miami"

The music was booming out of the club and their were drunk girls everywhere 2 tall muscular guys letting people in and out of the club it was my kind of scene my gun was firmly placed in my waistband in the back I opened the door and alex followed behind me tugging at my shirt probably covering my gun the guys let us in and I scanned the room drugs everywhere anything you could possibly want I was in lust I snapped back into what I wanted to do alex hot on my tail in the distance I spotted Rob dancing around with trace a guy in our Gang the co leader

"Austin don't do this come on" alex said but i shrugged him off

"Rob" I yelled grabbing his shoulders

"What?" He snapped

"don't fucking snap at me listen their my drugs give EM to me" i growled

"Ugh fine" he rolled his eyes and pulled out a bag filled with white and blue round pills my life I grabbed the bag counting out my daily dose and sipping on robs scotch before leaving with alex

"What the hell austin you seriously need to stop your playing"

"Alex I seriously don't need a lecture right know I have such a headache and your making it worse"

Randomly it started raining while me and alex argued outside the club

"Austin your making it worse U idiot"

I loved alex to pieces but boy did he get on my nerves always lecturing me about drugs and telling me I'm gonna die and how he's my best friend I should listen and he cares about me blah blah blah

"Fuck alex shut up ok you can't help me" I said running my hands through my wet hair

We were standing in the pouring rain know soaking wet everything our clothes us we got in my car shaking off the rain it was freezing out for a Miami day we drove back in silence because I didn't want to talk to him my drugs were hitting me which was good when we got back to Dylan's house dinner was all ready by her dad everyone was eating I didn't want to sit down and conversate so I grabbed my meal and went to my room did I mention I live here know I live in the basement and so does alex we share a room sort of



"What's the matter"

"Nothing just leave me alone alright" I said taking my shirt off because it was soaked and DYLAN stood behind me grabbing hold of my gun i spun around snatching it from her

"don't fucking touch that are you stupid" i whisper yelled but she didn't answer she just gave it up and I went downstairs alex was down their in the shower so I just sat on our bed and turned the tv on the air mattress was all messy because Rob slept over last night and we didn't bother to make the bed Zach would be over soon because it's game night and Rob was going over traces I assumed

Alex came out of the shower his hair pushed back all soaking wet his dark roots showing through his wetness his necklace was dangling on his chest while he pulled a shirt on before heading upstairs for dinner I didn't want to be alone I thought he was coming back but he slammed the basement door when he got to the top so I knew he wasn't coming back then I sighed flicking the lights off since their were no windows down here it was dark all the time with the lights off

A few minutes into my movie I was watching the door flung open and slammed back shut

"Oh no you asshole join me" I said eating popcorn

"Fuck you austin I haven't even seen U" Zachs voice boomed off the walls

"Zachary" I yelled jumping in the couch making he popcorn everywhere he hugged me and told me not to call him that

"Didnt you miss me" I said

"Austin whys the gay scale jumping up so much"

"I don't fucking no you dickhead"

"WANNA suck mine" Zach said smirking

"Fuck off" I said slowly

Zach was asleep across me and I was stuck on the bed it was 2am I was half asleep and didn't even get what was going on I saw a small person throwing his jacket over the chair before he shook his hair around it was alex he came over and got in the bed somewhat their was an air mattress but I think he though one of us were in it because it was pitch black and you couldn't see anything

I quietly leaned over Zach and clapped my hair around alex mouth he squirmed

"alex hey hey it's me chill the fuck out" I whispered but he couldn't respond because I was covering his mouth i pulled him over to the bathroom pushing him in it flicking th lights on but ju didn't work

"Austin turn the fucking lights on"

"I'm trying their not working"

"Oh my gosh do you not know how to work a light switch" alex said

"Yes you fucking dummy"

The lights flicked on finally the power was out but their on know me and alex were fighting back and forth yelling

"Fuck austin omg your ridiculous" alex said waking past me

"Where are you going"

"I'm leaving" he said grabbing his keys and jacket

"Where the fuck are you gonna go you live here idiot"

"I don't know austin I fucking sick of your attitude always bossy the fuck out of me you don't own me do you get that"

That comment of his made me really pissed off I pushed him into the wall knocking around a few picture frames he pushed me back we full on fought slapping each other around giving me a good kick behind the couch I fell into the bed ontop of Zach he rolled over and pushed me

"Austin what the hell" he groaned

By the time I got off Zach the basement door slammed and he was gone

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