Million dollar kiss

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"Somebody help"

My eyes fluttered open and closed they felt so heavy I heard robs voice he kept comforting me my eyes shot open when I heard a cry of pain and a deep voice call my name I looked austin was laying on a bed sitting up clenching his stomach he had blood everywhere and alex had blood all over him doctors swarmed around him and took him in the opposite away from me

"Rob rob Robbie"

"Yes yes im here don't worry"

"No Rob Wheres austin where is he" I cried shooting up

"Stop it sit down your gonna disconnect things"

"Rob please get me Austin"

"I can't" he said sitting back in his chair


"Because he's still in surgery"

"Surgery" I yelled and he shot his head at me "OMG OMG omg no no no"

"Omg calm down your gonna be-"

"Hey I got us food" I heard alex said

"OMFG ALEX IMU" I yelled throwing my arms out

"OMG Dylan your ok thank the lord" alex said running over to me to hug me "if I knew I would have got you food too" he said looking at Rob

"She can have mine"Rob said

"No im not that hungry she can have mine" alex said

"Alex hows austin"

I asked and he looked at Rob who shook his head no know I was majorly confused

"Guys is he ok"

I woke up to bright lights and a doctor standing at the end of my bed

"How are you feeling Mr.Mahone?"

"Uhm im alright I guess but my stomach is killing me"

"Yes that's normal you did get stabbed 4 times and have about 20 stitches in your side" he said while I pulled my shirt up ouch

"How long have I been out for"

"About 12 hours but trust me everything is going to be just fine"

"Where's Dylan or my friends"

"Dylan is perfectly fine she's still asleep though and I'm not sure of your friends by name but the tan one with short hair or the short one with blonde highlighted hair and a lip ring?"

"Both of them and the tall blonde one with a beard?"

"Last I saw of the tan one he was with Dylan the blonde highlighted on went to get them food and the blonde one went home for a half hour to shower but they've been here the whole time you got some good friends I'll tell you that I'll get you some meds and call your friends over if your up to visitors" he said getting up and I nodded

The doctor came in to tell us we can go talk to austin which made me super happy alex ran for his life to his room while Rob patiently helped me out of the bed even though I insisted I had it he still wanted to help

I ran down the hall and Rob tried catching up with me alex was moving his arm for me to run faster but I ran as fast as I could Rob caught me grabbing me from behind to walk me into the elevator the floors dinged and alex bolted to the room at the end of the hallway I heard a loud

"AC I MISS YOU KID" which was for sure from Austin's mouth

My eyes lite up and my hands got tingly I didn't know what I was feeling I wanted to run and cry and scream so I did o ran really fast Rob didn't expect it when I got to his room austin was on the bed and alex was holding his hand shaking it somewhat austin was smiling his gorgeous smile he looked hurt and in pain but he didn't show it one bite he had a black wife beater on and boxers he had the blanket over his legs though he was hooked up to machines and has a big wound on his side where he got stabbed

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