Too fucked

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As I was driving torrential downpour bouncing off my windshield the wipers didn't even go that fast I could BARLY see where I was going but I managed to get to her house I got out of the car feeling like I got a gallon of water poured on my head I ran towards her door and started knocking on it shaking my hair out

Her mom opened the door and looked at me like I just walked here but I didn't I walked like 10 feet

"Omg alex come in whats the matter" she said pulling me inside

"Oh it's nothing big is Sarah here" I asked and she handed me a towel "thanks"

"She's in her room you can go see her if you like" she said taking the towel

"Are you hurt alex" she asked and I looked confused and she showed me the towel pink then I remembered what went down the other day at home

"Alex come on bro its temporary" Zach said

"My hairs already blonde what more could I do to it" I sighed

"Alex stop being a pussy and do it" austin teased

"Dude Come on" Rob said

"Fuck it" I said giving in

The guys made me dye the back of my hair pink the other day and I finally gave in after like 30 minutes of convincing

"I dyed my hair don't worry" I smiled before walking up to her room

I opened her door and she was sound asleep i quietly closed the door and went over to her bed pulling the covers back slowly i unzipped my wet jeans and tossed them aside pulling my shirt off and getting in bed just relaxing looking at the ceiling ive only slept over here once and that was the night we had sex for the first time

I was Almost asleep when sarah started moving around and she jumped a mile when she touched me and I laughed

"OMFG OMGG OMG" she said turning the lights on and I covered my face so bright

"Alex holy fucking shit when did you get here why are you half naked why are you all wet im so confused it's 3am"

"Calm down babe" I said sitting up motioning for her to come sit on my lap
"Me and austin are fighting and I didn't have anywhere else to go"

"Fine alex you can stay"

I got downstairs and austin was looking through some bag and their was a baby on the couch

"Austin who's baby is that"

he just looked at me and answered his phone call going into the bathroom I just say their with the baby he gets out of the bathroom with all black on know and a red bandana around his neck and starts walking up the stairs

"Austin austin" I yelled "CARTER" and he turned around walking down two steps


"Who's kid is this? where are you going? And why can't you take him with you?" I asked

"Omg can't you just watch him I have to go somewhere he's my little cousin im watching for a few days ok"

"Where are you going"

"To a Gang meeting I'll take him happy" he says trying to take him

"No no it's fine just go" he pulled his mask up and patted his leg and waist to make sure he had his weapons

"What do you wanna do" I said in a baby voice
A few hours later I heard the basement door open and two sets of footsteps down a bag got put down next to me and rob jumped over the back of the couch

"Hey rob"

"Hey" he said trying to hug me

"Ew!! Your all sweaty" I said pushing him away

He laughed "no we did go boxing but no it's still all stormy out"

"Oh who was the other footsteps?"

"Oh Zach's here"

"Oh alright"

"He's in the shower but I can't take one I have to get going because trace called me and he wants me down to the Gang meeting know"

"Oh alright" he got up and went over to his suitcase he's been living here temporarily so he's living out of his suitcase he changed his clothes to all black and changed his shoes because you could litterly pour water out of them he put the red bandana around his neck and put his gun in his waistband and walked up the stairs

I woke up and it was still dark in the room it was 6am already but the storm was still going on so it made it really dark out and cloudy I was still clothes less from the previous night

I got out of bed and searched through her draws for some of my clothes I knew they were here I just didn't know where exactly the bathroom door opened and she was in a towel

"What are you doing?"

"Looking for clothes mine are soaked still" i said she pushed me aside and moved some things around finding my clothes she went back into the bathroom and I changed grabbing my phone and going downstairs my shoes were dry because her mom put them on the heater for me I out thrm on when I was walking out her mom stopped me

"Alex where you going honey"

"I'm gonna head out" I said opening the door sarah came downstairs in her comfy clothes her hair all wet

"Babe where you going don't leave" she said çømįñg over to me hugging me "stay please" I had to give in i closed the door and stayed

Around midnight after Logan was asleep and so was Zach he was passed out on the bed next to me the air mattress was robs for the week while Zach just kinda slept wherever he's slept on the floor many nights he could care less just give him a pillow and a blanket and he'll sleep outside

I was dozing off And eventually fell asleep I vaguely remember someone walking in kicking his shoes off before he got Under the covers next to me and Zach i didnt even bother to ask questions I just rolled over and continued to sleep around 3am I heard loud footsteps and two male deep voices bouncing off the walls boom boom boom they came down the stairs Jesus

The voices were talking loudly they reeked of drugs and alcohol that's when I realized it had to be austin and Rob but I looked over at the air mattress and noticed Rob sound asleep he had to come in with alex because I remember another set of footsteps short after Alexs so who is the other person I knew one was austin

"Yea dude it was a great meeting just crash in the bed with the rest of us it's big enough" austin said drunkly before getting next to alex and me pushing Zach aside for tr other person I don't even think anyone but Zach realized who was in the bed none of them ever did because hey we're either so drunk high or tired to not even care remember or comprehend what was going on so they just slept all together WHATEVR with whoever

"Dude I don't know it's kinda shady" the other kid said

"Trace go to sleep" the bed sunk in next to me I was stuck in between him and alex i scooted closer to alex

"Don't think I'm drunk baby don't think I forgot" trace whispered

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