Chapter 2: The Unwelcome Arrival

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"Amidst the fluttering palace lanterns,

a foreign breeze stirs, bringing whispers of change

and unsettling the tranquil stillness of tradition."

Ayodele knew the moment she stepped into the room, something had changed. There was a stillness that settled over the room like a thick blanket of tension. Turning her attention to the officials seated at the long table, she met their stares with the steady confidence of a woman unafraid.

" S-Sejabinmama.." The king's consort said as she quickly looked up gazing at her. Lady Song softly whispered to Ayodele alerting her of the consort's identity of the woman that stood up looking the most shocked.

" You looked surprised to see me. Is it the hanbok?" Ayodele asked sarcastically. Ayodele smiled at the consort's sudden outburst. She saw the confusion in the woman's eyes, and knew instantly that she had not been expected to arrive "I assume you were expecting someone else?" Ayodele said, her voice calm and measured.

The shock on the consort's face slowly shifted to acting obtuse, and she nodded. "Yes, I mean no...we were expecting you to arrive tomorrow."

Ayodele quirked an eyebrow, her gaze fixed on the consort's face. "It seems there has been some miscommunication." Her tone was light but her eyes were serious as they bored into the other woman's.

The consort bowed uncomfortably before finally offering an explanation. "It reported that you might've been expected here today, but we could not be sure because we had not received any official announcement." She paused and cleared her throat before continuing. "We thought it best to expect your arrival on the side of caution and wait until tomorrow before sending out formal greetings."

Ayodele smiled, " I am sure you were Royal Consort; I wouldn't want to put you and the king through such trouble. So I have made sure to do everything in my power to meet you since it is my first day here in Joseon.

" Our crown princess!" The king said as he greeted the young woman. Ayodele gave a small smile. "

Your Highness, it is an honor to finally meet you in person." Ayodele curtsied with a bow and greeted the king. "I apologize for any inconvenience my tardiness may have caused."

"Oh, no inconvenience at all my dear. I'm just glad you made it safely," The king replied warmly. "But I must say, you surprised me with your arrival today. I wasn't expecting you until tomorrow."

But you are currently enjoying a feast with your court." Ayodele thought to herself, but she kept quiet.

"I apologize for any confusion, Your Highness. My palace maidens and servants may have misunderstood the instructions," Ayodele said, trying to hide her annoyance at the thought of someone purposely sabotaging her arrival, staring over to the Consort.

"Well, we're just happy you're here now," The Royal Consort Ji-Yun said with a smile. "Please, have a seat and enjoy the festivities. We have quite the celebration planned for you."

The consort bowed her head in acknowledgment before motioning for Ayodele to move forward and take a seat at the table. Ayodele did as directed.

Despite the less-than-perfect entrance, she couldn't help but be impressed by the grandeur of the hall and the lavish decorations. She took a seat next to Lady Song, who gave her a reassuring smile. Turning to whisper to Ayodele " Hide the horns in your eyes, princess." she said reminding her of Prime Minister Kim's instructions to withhold her emotions during public events.

Ayodele sighed softly before softening her gaze. She could feel dozens of eyes on her now and she knew that everyone was already gossiping about her arrival and trying to read into her facial expressions. She willed herself not to be overwhelmed by it all and instead tried to find solace in the fact that she was here now—at least that's what kept popping up into her head as a distraction from getting too lost in overthinking things.

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