Chapter 4

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By the time the clock hit 5 PM, I was exhausted. Throughout the day I had over thirty online orders to put together and just as many walk-ins to complete. It was the worst day to be by myself in the shop, but at least the day went by quickly. I unlock the drawer and start my final count for the day.

I hate the feeling of money in my hands, it feels dirty and always leaves a residue on my fingers. I put the money we made today in a bank bag and seal the bag closed rubbing my hands on my jeans when the door chimes again. I jump from the noise and look towards the front door of the bakery.

I squint from the sun trying to make out the tall figure in the room. Oh, I think, pausing my movements as the man walks further into the shop. He is gorgeous, I think to myself as the man gets to the counter.

"I'm sorry but are you guys closed for the day?" He asks, looking around the shop before stopping his gaze on me.

"Just closed actually! Is there anything in particular you wanted?" I set the bag into the register and close it, walking to the cake window straining my neck to keep my eyes on the man.

He had dark curls that settled around his face, his jaw sharp against the softness of his cheeks. His nose was long and wide at the tip, leading down to heart-shaped pink lips. I blink and force my gaze on his eyes. They were green, though if the light landed in just the right way I could imagine the color shifting from emerald to a deep blue. He pulls his hand to his chin resting it there as he looks at the cakes, looking at each one in deep thought and then he focuses back on me.

"Yeah, I was hoping to try your lemon bar and blueberry cakes. But I'll just have to come back tomorrow. Thank you though." He smiles at me causing his dimples to pop out in his cheeks.

"Listen, most of these get packaged up and either go home to my brother or I bring them down to one of the shelters anyways, how many did you want?" I ask a little too quickly, grabbing a small box from under the counter.

I feel my cheeks rise in heat and avoid eye contact with the man hoping to keep him here for just a little bit longer.

"Just one of each, please. It's just me. Thank you, I do appreciate it." He pulls out his wallet from his back pocket.

"Oh, I've just shut down the register, so no need to pay. Just come back another time and leave a nice tip for one of the girls." I wave his hand away and tape the box closed, the pastries tucked neatly inside.

"Are you sure? I could always leave a tip for you. Tell you what, I'll come back this weekend and order the most expensive thing you have and leave a tip." He nods towards the tip jar grabbing the box of pastries in one hand.

"Well, the most expensive thing here is Adria, and I don't think you could afford her." I laugh weakly at my attempt at a joke, grabbing the spray bottle and a clean rag from one of the lower shelves of the counter and begin wiping it off. I force myself to look up to see his confused face and he nods giving me an awkward smile.

"Yeah, well uh, if these are as good as I've heard I'll be back." He smiles and nods, putting his wallet back in his pocket as he grabs the box heading for the door. He turns around to thank me once more before leaving.

I feel my cheeks light up and feel the urge to throw up. I give him a goodbye wave as he walks out the door. I pull my phone out and call Dallas, groaning as she picks up on the second ring.

"Hey! My flight just landed, I'm going to call an Uber and meet you at your house here in an hour!" She says the shuffling of her phone causes me to pull the phone away from my ear and grimace.

"Yeah, that sounds good, I'm just shutting down the bakery now." I set the phone down and click the button to put her on speaker and finish wiping down the counter.

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