Captain Hardrock

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Scene: The Liberty. Everyone is getting ready for Kitty Section's concert. Marinette is picking things up off the ground, trying to clean up.

Marinette: (bumps into Mylène) Oops! Sorry Mylène. My bad! (She picks up a box) I think this is yours, Rose. (She hands a microphone to Rose)
Rose: Thanks, Marinette! Do you realize? It's our very first concert! It's going to be awesome.
Marinette: (Walking over to Alya) He's not here yet.
Alya: No worries girl. The gig hasn't started yet.
Marinette: What if he doesn't know Juleka's address? Or he got the wrong day? Or he's lost? Could you check with Nino please? You know, of course, just... casually.
Alya: Hey, Nino, did you hear from Adrien, by any chance?
Nino: He had something to do with his old man. He said he'll come right after.
(Marinette and Alya giggle)
Anarka: Captain Anarka speaking to ya'! So how's it comin' along me young pirates? Ready to celebrate the- (She adjusts her glasses) Whatcha up to, there, matey?
Marinette: Uh, hello ma'am. I'm cleaning up for tonight! Your boat's gonna be clean as a whistle!
Anarka: You're cleaning? (She laughs) We never pick up in this house! Didn't me daughter tell you? We like the lived-in look. We have no rules on The Liberty! Out of chaos comes creation! Messiness is life!

Scene: Adrien's room. Adrien is playing the piano for his father, when he accidentally plays the wrong note.

Gabriel: I've heard enough. Are you sure you're practicing, Adrien?
Adrien: I'm just doing the same exercises over and over again. I think I could make better progress if I could just play with other musicians. After all, music's meant to be shared with other people, don't you think?
Gabriel: We Agrestes are soloists. We're no mere group members. I suggest you rehearse your piece some more. You'll play it for me again later today.
Adrien: But father, you promised that I could attend my friends' concert.
Gabriel: Not after that performance you've just given, which is probably due to their influence! You need to refocus, Adrien. (Gabriel walks out of the room)
(Adrien calls Nino)

Scene: The Liberty. Alya, Nino, and Marinette are in the cabin. Marinette continues to move things around.

Nino: (His phone rings) Wassup dude?...Wow, what happened? ...Whoa, that's real rough. Good luck dude, see you tomorrow!
(Marinette, overhearing, becomes sad and turns away. Alya and Nino look at each other; Nino nods and walks away. Alya walks over to Marinette to comfort her)
Alya: Well it's not exactly the first time his dad's kept him from hanging out with us. (She moves a metal decoration out of Marinette's hands) Actually, I'd have been super surprised if he hadn't.
Anarka: Whoa, sailor! Never place a metal object next to a compass, ya hear lass? Metal attracts the needle, just like a magnet, which is why you can't get them anywhere near each other.
Marinette: I know how they feel. Maybe I'm just like this statue and Adrien's my compass. Maybe we're meant to stay away from each other forever.
Alya: I think it's the other way around. He's the statue and you're the compass that goes crazy whenever he gets close! There'll be other chances, Marinette.
Marinette: That's what you said last time, and the time before that.
(Juleka and Rose appear in the stairway)
Rose: We're ready Captain! Uh... but Luka's missing.
Anarka: Marinette, right?
Marinette: Yes, ma'am... uh, Captain!
Anarka: Since you're free from your cleaning duties, could you go and tell Luka that we're waiting for him to start rehearsals?
Marinette: Of course. Uh, but where is he?
Anarka: You should find him in his cabin.

Scene: Below deck in Luka's cabin. Luka is sitting on his bed, meditating.

Marinette: Hey, Luka! Your mom sent me down here. The groove... uh... the group's waiting for you.
Luka: Thanks, Marinette, I'll be right up. (He picks up his guitar and starts playing, noticing Marinette is upset) Are you ok, Marinette? It seems you have something like this in your heart. (He plays a somber tune)
Marinette: How do you do that?
Luka: Music is often simpler than words.
(Marinette spots Luka's guitar pick collection. She walks over and picks up a guitar pick)
Marinette: You like Jagged Stone's music?
Luka: He's my favorite singer!
Marinette: Mine too.
Luka: You can have it if you like. I've got plenty.
Marinette: Oh! Thanks!
Luka: I think I'd better go join the... groove, you said?
Marinette: Did I really say that? Oh, no.
Luka: You're a funny girl, Marinette.

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