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Scene: The Liberty. Kitty Section is performing "I Love Unicorns" on stage. Finishing off their song, the band members throw their masks in the air as Zoé, Mylène, Alix, Alya, and Nino cheer for them. Rose and Juleka hug each other.

Luka: Great job, guys.
Alya: You guys have that song down!
Luka: Thanks, Alya; I think we've really improved lately.
Rose: No thanks to you, Luka!
Luka: We've all worked hard, Rose.
Alya: Yeah, but you're the genius behind the music.
Rose: And you've got talent!
Mylène: It's no question that you're the heart of the band, Luka.
Rose: And the soul, right?
Mylène: And the soul.
Zoé: Well, I think you guys sound great!
Luka: Thanks, Zoé. I'm glad you liked it.
Ivan: Hey, are we still on for Juleka and Luka's birthday on Saturday?
Nino: You bet, dude! We'll have a great time at the movies!
Alya: Yeah. But it's not much of a party, is it? What if, instead of going to the movies, we had a party right here on the houseboat!
Mylène: That's true. What do you guys think?
Zoé: I think it should be up to the birthday twins!
Juleka: Hmm... maybe.
Nino: Wait a sec, Adrien can't come this Saturday! He's got a fashion show.
Alya: Shoot, I didn't think of that.
Alix: There's got to be a way for him to come.
Luka: Don't worry, guys. Adrien and I already coordinated so he'd be able to come Saturday. I think a party here sounds like a great idea. Jules?
Juleka: Yeah, let's do it.
Zoé: I'll help set up!
Nino: I'm on music!
(The group high-five each other. Rose approaches Juleka)
Rose: This will be so much fun! (She kisses Juleka's cheek)

Scene: Under the deck of the Liberty. Juleka enters their bedroom while Luka is playing his electric guitar.

Luka: You excited for Saturday?
Juleka: Yeah, having a party here will be more fun than sitting at the movies. Alya had a great idea.
Luka: I'll have to call Adrien later and let him know we changed plans.
(A knock on the window startles them both)
Luka: Dad? (He opens the window)
Jagged Stone: Luka! Hey, son! How's it strumming? (He swings through the window and fist bumps with Luka)
Luka and Jagged: Rock and roll!
Juleka: (behind the open window) Hi.
Jagged Stone: Hey, Juleka! Rock and roll! I didn't see you there.
Jagged Stone: Ready for the chord of the day, you two? The diminished D7. I use it in all my tear-jerking ballads.
Anarka: (walking in) Jagged Stone, you scallywag! No stowaways on my ship! Disembark my house right this instant!
Jagged Stone: (nervously) Hey, Anarka! Rock and roll! How'd you know I was here? I was being so sneaky!
Anarka: "Sneaky"?? Your tour bus is parked on the dock, you one-hit wonder!
Jagged Stone: Nanarky, you can't keep me from teaching the diminished D7 to my kids!
Anarka: I appreciate you trying to create a bond with your children, Jagged. But no one sets foot on my houseboat without the captain's permission, and that captain is me!
Luka: Well then, Mom, uh, with your permission, could Dad come to our birthday on Saturday? We want to throw a party.
Anarka: Juleka, you really want this old pirate to be at your birthday?
Juleka: I— um... (She pulls the window door closer to her) Yes.
Jagged Stone: (laughs triumphantly) Awesome! See you on Saturday then! (He jumps out the window only to hit the wall, whimpering) Rock and roll! (He falls into the river)
(Anarka exits the room, leaving Luka and Juleka in shock. They laugh, and Luka starts playing his guitar again)
Luka: I'm so happy that everyone will be there!
Juleka: Me too!

Scene: The deck of the Liberty. The gang arrive at the houseboat, where Juleka and Luka wait on the deck. Adrien and Rose both run ahead to their partners and jump to give them hugs.

Everyone: Happy birthday!
Adrien: Happy birthday, Luka!
Rose: Happy birthday, Juleka!
(Both Adrien and Rose place a kiss on their respective partner's cheeks. The twins both chuckle)
Luka: Thanks, babe. And thanks for coming, everyone. We're super excited you could all make it. Right, Jules?
Juleka: For sure; thanks for coming!
Rose: Of course! You know we wouldn't miss this!
Alya: Course not!
Nino: You dudes are family!
Zoé: Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get this party started!
Rose: This is gonna be so much fun!
Ivan: I'll get the snacks from below deck!
Alix: Nino! Start spinning those records! Let's get some music going!
Luka: Make yourselves at home, everybody!
(Everybody begins to mingle around the houseboat as Nino starts some music. The party kicks into full swing, and everyone dances and laughs together. After a while, Jagged Stone and his crocodile Fang arrive at the party, to the surprise of the party guests)
Jagged Stone: Hey, kids! Everything jammin'?
(The group starts to murmur upon his arrival)
Luka: Hi, Dad!
Jagged Stone: Sorry I'm tardy to the party, son. You have any wrapping paper I could borrow?
(The party music stops)
Alya: Hang on. Jagged Stone...
Nino: the father of...
Rose: ...Luka and Juleka?

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