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Scene: Shadow Moth's lair. Gabriel looks at a picture of Max and Markov on his phone.

Gabriel: Its intelligence is not at all artificial.
Nooroo: (to Duusu) That robot turned against him last time!
Duusu: Oh no! This is terrible! He can't akumatize him again!
Nooroo: On the contrary, Duusu, it's a good thing! Once Shadow Moth is defeated, we'll be free!
Duusu: Oh, right! Awesome! Awesome! (She claps)
Gabriel: This time, I'll make sure that robot can't betray me. Duusu, Nooroo, dual metamorphosis!
(He transforms into Shadow Moth. He then holds a feather in his hand and turns it into an amok)
Shadow Moth: Go, my beautiful amok, and bring my creation to life!
(The feather flies into his staff, and he extends his arms, using his power to form a dark ball of energy in front of him, creating Hack-San)
Shadow Moth: Hack-San, you have been created with the power to hack into the emotions of a robot. Thanks to you, I will be able to re-akumatize him.
(Hack-San glows as it activates its power)

Scene: Jardins du Trocadéro. Most of the glass has gathered to hang out for the day. Luka and Adrien sit together and talk. Alya and Nino play a game on a tablet. Juleka plays her bass guitar beside Rose. Marc and Nathaniel are sketching together while Mylène feeds Ivan a snack. Max and Markov sit on a bench as Alix and Kim prepare for a race.

Kim: I bet you I could do a thousand push-ups before you finish a lap on your blades.
Alix: I guess you really like losing, Kim!
Max: Ready, set, go!
(Alix dashes off on her roller blades as Kim commences his push-ups)
Markov: (counting Kim's push-ups) One, two, three, four, five, six...
Anne-Jeanne: (on the laptop) Markov, your new formula is about to revolutionize science! You're a genius!
Markov: I'm just well-programmed here, Miss du Bocquale. (He continues counting Kim's push-ups) Thirteen, fourteen... (He switches the window on the laptop to a game of chess he's playing) Pawn to F-4. Checkmate, Andre!
Andre: Incredible! You win again, Markov!
(Markov high-fives Max, and Alix continues to roller skate around the garden. Luka and Adrien are watching when Adrien's phone vibrates from his pocket. He picks it up and answers)
Gabriel: (on Adrien's phone) Adrien, you are to return home at once.
Adrien: But father, you said I could-
Gabriel: No buts, Adrien; your bodyguard is on his way to pick you up now. (He hangs up)
Adrien: That was my father, he wants me home right away.
Luka: Did he say why?
Adrien: No, he didn't.
(Adrien's bodyguard pulls up and honks the horn)
Adrien: I'll see you later. (He kisses Luka on the cheek before walking to his car)
Juleka: Bummer.
Luka: Yeah, I think I'm gonna head home since Adrien had to leave. I'll see you guys later!
(Luka begins walking home)
Everyone: Bye, Luka!

Scene: Agreste mansion. Adrien walks in the front door and is met with his father staring down at him from the top of the stairs.

Gabriel: You are to go to your room, Adrien, and you will not come out until I say so.
Adrien: But father-
Gabriel: Your bodyguard will sit with you to keep you company. Now go, I have lots of work to do.
(Adrien sadly walks up to his room, his bodyguard following him)

Scene: Adrien's room. Adrien frantically texts Luka.

Adrien: (texting) Luka, we've got a problem!
Luka: (texting) What's wrong? Are you ok?
Adrien: I'm fine, but my father isn't letting me leave the house.
Luka: Don't you usually sneak out anyway?
Adrien: Yes, but he's got my bodyguard in my room with me. I won't be able to slip away if an Akuma shows up!
Luka: That is a problem. What should we do?
Adrien: Meet me at my window, I'll try to get my bodyguard out of the room.
Luka: See you soon.
(Adrien deletes the texts before putting his phone away. His bodyguard is watching tv, so he goes over to the couch to sit by him)
Adrien: Would you mind getting us some snacks from the kitchen? I'd go myself but I wouldn't want to make my father mad.
(The bodyguard grunts and gets up from the couch. He heads out of Adrien's room, closing the door behind him. Just as he does, Coccinelle arrives and swings through the open window)
Coccinelle: So what's the plan?
Adrien: My bodyguard won't be gone for long, so I'll get to the point. (He takes off his ring and gives it to Coccinelle)
Coccinelle: What are you doing?
Adrien: I'll be out of commission, so you have to take my miraculous and give it to someone else in case an Akuma shows up.
Coccinelle: That's crazy!
Adrien: It'll just be for the day; trust me.
Coccinelle: Are you sure?
Adrien: Everything will be fine, I promise. Why don't you give it to your sister? She's trustworthy and definitely capable.
Luka: Alright, but only because you said to.
(Adrien's doorknob starts to turn)
Coccinelle: (kisses Adrien on the cheek) I'll see you later. Bug out!
(He swings back out the window just as Adrien's bodyguard walks in with a tray of snacks. Adrien sighs in relief)

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