Summer break

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It was now summer break which meant I could spend as much time as I wanted with Charles without him always being in meeting or going to GPs almost every weekend. Since the kiss, I had felt slightly awkward around him but he had made sure to make me feel comfortable and reassure me how much he deeply cared for me. Whenever we were out in public, Charles and I made sure to keep PDA to a minimum and whenever we were with fans, I tried to keep a more friendly distance from him as I didn't want any speculations and rumours going round. When we first became friends, a few people did try to pry to see if there was anything more between us but Charles made sure to remain tight-lipped about us and assure people that we were just friends. Occasionally a few people would tag me on mean tweets about me for being with Charles but he always took my phone away if I kept scrolling for too long. I appreciated that though, he kept me grounded and always made sure that I was ok, no matter what. 

"Come on y/n/n we're going to miss our flight." Charles called from the living room as I was putting the last thing in my suitcase. "I'm sorry, I'm just coming!" I replied as I practically ran out of the room to meet Charles who had a slight smirk on his face. "What?" I asked. "Nothing, you're just too cute." he told me before placing a light kiss on my lips. 'God I was going to have to get used to that feeling!' I thought to myself whilst we made our way towards his car. We were going to Greece for a week before making our way to Maranello for Charles to do some testing with the new upgrades on the car. It would be our first official holiday together, at least one that wasn't for a grand prix, and to say I was excited would be an understatement. We were due to be staying at a private villa which was a 5 minute walk from one of the secluded beaches on the south side of the island. "Have you ever been to Greece before?" Charles asked me after a few minutes of silence in the car. "No, but I've always wanted to go. I hear the food is really nice." I replied as I looked over at him, his eyes were focused on the road ahead of him but occasionally he turned to face me. "I think you will enjoy it. I have a few favourite places which I would love to show you." he smiled. "Oooh well I look forward to you being my personal tour guide." I smirked 


The entire week we were in Greece, we spent most of our time at the beach or exploring the local villages surrounding our villa. Charles insisted that he had to take me on a date at least once a day otherwise it wouldn't be 'a proper first holiday together' according to him so we always went out to a cafe or restaurant for one meal of the day. We went on a few scenic hikes around some of the nature trails and I even tried scuba diving for the first time in my life when we spent an entire day on a yacht. We saw so many turtles, dolphins, jellyfish, stingrays, seals and a few seahorses. I made sure to take many pictures whilst I was underwater with the waterproof camera that Charles had brought with him. The day that we spent on the yacht was probably my favourite as I felt like I was truly finally alone with Charles, and that we were in our own little world without having to worry about prying eyes. The last 2 days that we spent in Greece, involved us exploring some of the hidden caves along the nearby beaches which not many other tourists knew about, so it was rather quiet other than a few locals. After we had spent the morning exploring, I was really tired so we made our way back to the villa so I could take a nap whilst Charles checked all of his emails from Ferrari. We laid out on the large hammock which was right next to our pool so that I could still enjoy the sun as I slept. I rested my head on Charles' chest as he stroked small circles on my hip bone and typed away quietly on his laptop. Occasionally I would feel him place small kisses on my head to lull me into a deep sleep, and eventually I closed my eyes fully to dream of the amazing week that I had spent with Charles. 


Due to our flight being at midnight to go to Maranello, it meant that we had to have a very long final day in Greece. When the taxi driver finally dropped us off at the airport, we slowly trudged into the airport to go through all of the security checks until we could take a seat in the waiting area by our boarding gate. Thankfully it wasn't too busy in the airport so there were plenty of seats for us to choose from so that we could get comfortable whilst we waited for the plane to arrive. I pulled one of Charles' hoodies over me as the air conditioning in the airport was making me shiver despite it still being fairly warm outside. I pulled the hood over my head and rested it on Charles' shoulder as he slowly lowered his on top of mine. We didn't need to wait too long for our boarding number to be called and then we joined the short queue to get on to the plane. My seat was right next to Charles which meant we could cuddle the entire flight whilst we slept and tried to reduce how tired we would be when we eventually arrived in Maranello. This trip wasn't going to be as much of a holiday compared to Greece because Charles needed to do some testing in the sim and in the car to test the upgrades, which the engineers had been working on over the summer. I was also going to be using any free time I had to explore the city and do some more photography to continue building my ever-growing portfolio. 

Recently, I had been looking into a few jobs for photography and also looking at the possibility of setting up my own business as it would allow me to travel with Charles to more of his races. I probably wouldn't manage to go to all of them because the race calendar was so busy and I wanted to go back and see Grace at some point, and maybe some of my family just to let them know that I was in fact still alive. I also didn't want to cause too much speculation from the media and fans so I thought that going to every race wouldn't help with that. 

When our plane finally landed in Maranello, Charles led us to his car which a member of the team brought to the airport earlier that day. We stuffed all of our things into the boot before eventually getting in the front to start the 2 hour journey to where we would be staying for the week. Our hotel room was fairly large and it had a balcony which overlooked the pool for all of the guests. Carlos would also be staying at the hotel as well as a few of the crew members who were due to be at the factory for the testing. We put our bags into our room before we made our way to the lobby to meet some of the others for a small meeting before we could go back to our room to sleep for a few more hours until it was time for us to get up. Thankfully the meeting only took around 15 minutes and then Charles gave me a piggyback ride up to our room before dropping me onto our bed. I quickly got changed in the bathroom whilst he got into bed and scrolled on his phone. I carried out my quick skincare routine before I made my way over to the bed and flopped down onto my side next to Charles. I felt the bed dip slightly as he moved towards me before his arms wrapped around my body to pull me into his chest. I gave him a kiss goodnight before burying my head into the crook of his neck and drifting back off to sleep. 

The days that we spent in Maranello had almost the same routine. We would get up at 7 every morning to go to the gym for an hour or so and then we would head back up to the room to get ready for the day. After that, we would either eat with some of the team and Carlos in the restaurant area or Charles would occasionally take me out to a small cafe, just us two. Whilst Charles did his work at the factory, I spent most of my time lounging on the sunbeds by the pool or exploring the city with my camera to capture any scenic views. Sometimes I would have lunch by myself if he was still busy, but most of the time I tried to keep my lunch at a similar time to theirs so that I could sit with them. I think this trip made me realise that dating an F1 driver wasn't always as amazing as it was made out to be in the media. I didn't doubt my love for Charles by any means, but I knew that compromises and long distance would likely play a part in the future of our relationship if we wanted it to work. Still, I was finally happy to be with someone who deeply cared for me the same (if not more) than I cared for them. 

A/n: Ugh I just couldn't get in the flow with this chapter. I had some good ideas to start with but then it kinda flopped :/   Oh well, I promise next chapter will be a bit better :) 

Also it's race weekend again and I'm so excited! Hopefully I won't get my heart broken again though, I don't need any more pain...

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