New job

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I was sat in Charles' office whilst he was busy answering a few emails before going on twitch with George, Alex, Lando and Max. Occasionally I would look up from my laptop to steal a glance at him when he had his focused face on, which was rather amusing to say the least. For some reason he would always stick his tongue out slightly when he was trying to think of something to say or write and I thought it was the cutest thing. 

Suddenly my phone started ringing and I thought it was going to be Grace or Carmen but it turned out to be an unknown number. Charles looked at me and then at my phone as if to say for me to answer it, so I did. He had a slightly mischievous grin on his face as I walked out of the room which I made me slightly puzzled as it was just a random number so there was no way he could know what was going on. I sat down on the sofa in the living room as it was far away enough from the office so I wouldn't distract Charles with my conversation. I could hear him quietly singing to himself, causing a subtle smile to form on my face until I realised I was yet to accept the call. I quickly pressed the 'accept call' button before bringing my phone to my ear to be greeted with a male voice with a thick Italian accent. 

"Hello, is this Miss y/l/n?" he asked. "Yes that is me. How can I help you?" I replied cheerfully. "Ah so he did give me the right number... Um I'm Tom from the Formula 1 media crew and I would love to offer you a job in photography which has just opened up. It would involve you travelling to most of the races and taking photos of the teams in the paddock, garages, and on track. You don't have to make a decision now, but if you could call me back by the end of the week that would be great." he informed me. I was so excited for this opportunity that I almost fell off the sofa which caused Charles to poke his head into the living room to check on me. I gave him a slight thumbs up before regaining my composure and focusing back on the phone call. "Wow, that sounds amazing! I would love to accept your offer please." I said calmly. "Ok that's great. You will start this weekend if that's ok. I will email you any extra information in a minute, as well as a few application forms for you to read and sign." Tom told me. "No problem, thank you. Do I need to make my own way to the races by the way?" I asked with a beaming smile on my face, despite him not being able to see. "Normally we would supply you with a plane pass but the person who recommended you to us said he could easily sort out travel for you." he replied mysteriously. "Oh ok, well that answers that question, thank you." I replied as I tried to figure out what he meant. "If you have any other questions, feel free to email me and I will try to respond as soon as I can." Tom said. "Ok, well thanks so much for calling and I will see you at the next race." I responded happily before hanging up the phone and quietly screaming from excitement. 

I ran into the room that Charles was in, and thankfully he wasn't streaming yet because I had forgotten from all the adrenaline flooding my veins. "Are you ok?" he laughed. "I've just got a job as a photographer in F1 and I start this weekend!" I practically shouted as I jumped onto his lap. "I'm so proud of you mon ange. See, your photography efforts do not go to waste." he replied sincerely. "But why do I feel like you had a bit of a part in it?" I asked curiously as I looked directly into his eyes. He was silent for a moment before finally speaking up. "Oh ok, so I sent the crew a few of the photos you took when I gave you the camera at Ferrari and they were really impressed with you work. I promise that's all I did though." Charles sighed contently. "Well, thank you... So now I know what Tom meant when he said that my transport had already been sorted by someone else." I laughed slightly, wrapping my arms around his neck to pull his lips close to mine so I could give him a quick kiss. "I hope that's ok. I just thought it would be nice for us to hang out and travel together if we are both going to be busy." he said shyly. "Of course it's ok. Perfect actually, as I love my plane journeys with you!" I reassured him before kissing him deeply, his thumb gently caressing my cheekbone as he pulled me closer to his chest. "As much as I would love to stay like this forever, I need to hop on the stream with the guys before they blow up my phone with messages." Charles sighed when we pulled away. "I've got some stuff to do anyway so it's all good." I replied with a small smile. "Ok, well if you need anything just shout, or texting me might be easier if I have my headphones on." he said, giving me one last kiss before I left the room so that he could play his games. 

In the mean time, I busied myself with tidying up the house as it was in a bit of a mess which was stressing me out a lot. I also did some research on photography and how I could improve my skills for when the cars were moving so fast. I hadn't had much practice with that yet, but I was hoping that I would pick up the skills fairly quickly and be able to produce some good quality photographs. For the remaining time that Charles was streaming, I curled up under a blanket on the sofa so that I could continue watching my new favourite Netflix series whilst I still had the time to do so. 

Eventually Charles joined me on the sofa, even though he had no interest in what I was watching because apparently it was 'boring' and I had 'a terrible taste in shows to watch'. Still, he stayed cuddled up next to me until I had finished the episode that I was on so that we could make some dinner. Obviously I was in charge of that, because although Charles claims he can cook, he is still yet to prove that to me and I do not want to risk getting food poisoning or the house burning down. Whilst I cooked the chicken and pasta, I put him in charge of chopping the vegetables which I would mix into the sauce later on. Fortunately we always worked well in the kitchen together and there were never any arguments, since we always had our designated jobs to do and if Charles ever got bored he would just give me hugs and not let go. He honestly acted like a little baby sometimes, but I wouldn't have it any other way. We were both so happy with how things were going, and I never wanted it to end. 

A/n: A slightly shorter chapter but I just didn't know what to write. I'm currently sorting out the next one before the weekend. Also, I'm going to Silverstone this weekend and I am so flipen excited! Hopefully Charles will do well 🤞

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