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It was now just a few days before Marcus and David's wedding so Charles and I had flown out to Tuscany directly from the previous race. They had selected a beautiful venue called Villa Balbiano, which was situated on Lake Como and encompassed by all round scenic views of the lake as well as a forest to the left of the villa. Charles and I would be staying there for the next few days as Marcus had asked if I could help out with setting things up and also doing some practice shots to work out where the best lighting would be for photos. Not all 120 guests would be staying on site though because there wouldn't be enough space for everyone considering the limited number of bedrooms. I had been told that it was only the immediate family members of both Marcus and David who would actually be staying with us, whilst everyone else booked into a few hotels nearby and would get a boat on the day. 

When Charle and I arrived, Marcus was there to greet me with a big hug since I hadn't seen him at all after I quit my job at the office. Still, we made an effort to keep in contact as much as possible and I would often message him if I was ever feeling stressed out and Charles wasn't around for me to talk to. "My love, you look absolutely stunning!" Marcus said to me, a huge smile plastered across his face; I could tell that he was very excited about the wedding. "Always full of compliments, thank you. I have to say that you are absolutely glowing my love, tell me your secrets!" I replied as Charles came and stood next to me. "My secret? Oh girl, the only thing that makes me look this good is love!" he laughed. "Speaking of which who is this handsome man? Is this your boyfriend?" Marcus asked curiously. "This is Charles... Um yes we are sort of together, I mean we haven't exactly made it official but I guess you could say so." I said nervously. "Well it's lovely to meet you Charles. I hope you are treating y/n like the queen she is." Marcus introduced himself. "Likewise, and of course she deserves nothing less." Charles said as Marcus pulled him in for a quick hug which took him slightly by surprise. "Well that's good, as long as you are both happy and he is treating you right." Marcus said as he lead us into the venue so that we could go to our room and freshen up after the flight. "Dinner will be in about an hour if you would like some." Marcus said before walking down the hall, presumably to go and find David. 

Charles and I put our suitcases and bags in the corner of the room before he collapsed onto the large bed in the centre of the room. He made grabby hands at me as a small pout formed on his lips, signalling for me to cuddle up next him. I walked over to where Charles was laid down on the bed to crawl next to him and I was instantly wrapped up in his arms. "It is so nice to finally have some alone time with you." he murmured into my hair as I rubbed slow circles into his back with my thumb. "I know it feels like ages since it's been just us. You have been so busy with racing and events, and me with my photography." I replied. "But we can spend the rest of the week and weekend together even when I'm helping with setting up. In fact you can be my test model tomorrow!" I added, a hint of enthusiasm in my voice. "I would love nothing more than to be a model for you mon amour." he whispered before placing a gentle kiss on my lips. We remained in each other's embrace for what felt like ages until Charles got up to take a quick shower whilst I picked out a casual outfit for dinner. Once he had finished in the bathroom I took a quick shower, although I didn't wash my hair as I was only going to do that on the morning of the wedding before it would be styled. It didn't take long for both of us to be ready for dinner, and then we took the main stairs to the ground floor before locating the dining room where a few other people were sat, already eating their food. 


Waking up to the sun gently beaming through the curtains I rolled over from my back to see if Charles was awake yet. "Good morning mon amour. Did you sleep well?" he cooed, planting a delicate kiss on my forehead which I melted into. I nodded my head yes before burying my face into his chest to be engulfed by his familiar, warming scent as he combed his fingers through my hair. "What time is it?" I mumbled quietly. "I believe it is almost 8 o'clock. You were asleep for quite sometime but I didn't want to wake you as you looked so peaceful." Charles replied. "Mmm thank you. We need to get up soon though as we have a rather busy day ahead of us and I'm starving." I said with a slight yawn, which prompted me to slowly start to sit up so that I wouldn't slowly fall back asleep. After a few minutes, we both got out of bed so that we could make a start on getting ready for the day to go downstairs for breakfast. 

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