Day ten evening part 2

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"Let's bring in the boys that we're not picked from casa amor."

Four boys came through the entrance and standing next to the three girls who weren't picked.

"This is George, Dennon, Dan and Stevie. Also we have Lavena, Nabila and Belle."

The islanders said goodbye to the now ex islanders before all saying hi to the new ones.

"Hi I'm Angelique but people call me Angie." She introduced herself to the new girls before walking off with the girls to comfort Amber.

"He's a prick." Maura rubbed her back as she hurried her head on Anna's shoulder.

"I don't wanna cry." She helped her hand over her eyes to stop the boys from seeing her.

"He's a knob." Angie told her in truth.

"Shut up Angie I can hear you." Michael said from the kitchen.

"Don't you dare tell me to shut up Michael." Angie pointed a finger at him.

"You're being childish, the lot of ya."

"Micael just fuck off you aren't helping with nothing." Angie told him sticking her middle finger up at him while rubbing Ambers back.

"See fucking childish."

"Michael you're literally expecting people not to be angry and upset just shut your mouth for once for the love of god." Angie rolled her eyes at his idiocy.


"Don't call her a bitch mate." Angie heard Ovie defend her against Michael, she glanced up to see him with his hand out in front of Michael to sit him back down.

"Let's go inside." Angie whispered to the girls. They all walked past the kitchen together making their way to the bedroom.

"Angel can I borrow you for two seconds?"

"Do you need me?" Amber shook her head, Molly kissed her cheek quickly whispering in her ear.

"Be careful."

Angie looked confused before taking Ovie's hand and walking up to the terrace.

"I missed you." She sat next to him resting her head on his shoulder.

"Me too."

"Did any of the girls tickle your fancy?"Angie jokes looking at him but with the defending silence she stopped laughing.


"Right ok." She moved away slightly in disbelief.

"Let me explain..."

"Go on then."

"It wasn't like a 'I'm all in with this girl' because it wasn't. We just had good conversations and they flowed." Angie slowly nodded her head.

"Did you share a bed? Did you kiss?" Angie's voice broke slightly as she struggles to say kiss.

"We shared a bed yes... we only kissed in the challenge." She let out a sigh rubbing the palms of her hands on her bare thighs.

"Wow that's not what I was expecting to hear when I got back but ok." Ovie tried to reach for her hands but she pulled them away tucking them away from him.


"My name is Angie."

"Angie, I didn't feel anything like I feel towards you for her. We just got on and I couldn't tell if she was trying to flirt and it messed with my head."

"Molly told me to be careful. She heard your speech, if I find out you're lying we're over for good."

"What about now?"

"I need a break from you right now." She got up leaving him on the terrace like he had a couple of days ago, she made her way back into the bedroom finding Amber missing and Molly in bed with Tommy.

"Can I join?" Molly opened her arms for her to climb in. Angie slowly let the tears fall.

"I didn't think he could do something like this." Tommy slowly slipped out of the bead noticing Ovie stood in the bedroom doorway, he put his hand on his arm turning him away from the girls.

"I know baby." She stroked the top of her head.

"I was gonna tell him I really liked him." She sniffled and all Molly could do was sooth her through it. They laid in bed for a few minutes before the girls both got out and headed outside.

"Tommy could I just borrow you quickly?" Angie still held onto Molly's hand as Tommy came towards them at the swings.

"How are you feeling?" He gave her a quick hug before sitting in front of them.

"It might be mine but still, i'm hurt ya know."


"I don't want you to feel pressured but I wanted to ask you exactly what he said in his recoupling speech just so I can confirm he isn't lying."

"All he said was 'his head had been scrambled over the few days' by the blondie Belle and that was all." Tommy held his hand over his heart in truth.

Angie looked back to Mol who nodded her head.

"Thank you Tommy, this means a lot." She hugged him quickly before she got off the swing and headed to find some other people.

I didn't think that I would be coming back to this villa crying over that fact that the man I thought I truly loved was scrambled over a girl that doesn't even look or seem to act like me. I just don't know what to do.
(Angie is crying during this private interview)


Angie walked up to the dressing room passing Ovie brushing his teeth in the bathroom, she continued to walk until she finally found Maura and Anna getting rid of their make up.

"Hey girl." Maura kissed her cheek.

"Hey gorgeous." Angie began wiping off her makeup and picking out her pjs.

"Nothing sexy tonight!" Anna tried to joke making the other girls in their chuckle even Angie a little.

"My girls Amber and Amy. Would you two love to sleep with me?" Angie bowed in front of them with her toothbrush hanging out her mouth.

"Of course."

"It's back with the sexy pjs!"

"It's back with the sexy pjs!"

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"Goodnight my babies." Molly kissed the three girls cheek before they made their way outside. Angie sneaked a glance at her bed where Ovie laid burying his head into the pillow.

"Goodnight islanders."

Angie climbed into the separate bed beside the girls and quickly fell asleep.



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