Chapter 8: Pampering a Beekeeper

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When the time for Alice's birthday ball came, a carriage rolled to a stop in front of May's home. She quickly gathered Eugene's hat to return it- maybe he needed it for the ball- and left her home.

The carriage's door swung open, revealing a liveried footman who extended his gloved hand. "Miss Berkeley, please step inside. Lady Alice sent me to escort you to the Purcell house."

May hesitated for a moment. It felt alien to her. But she placed her hand in the footman's, stepping into the carriage and putting the black hat on the seat across from her. .

The carriage arrived at Levens Hall, and the butler let May in. The butler, like many of the servants, had their thoughts about May. Well, a speculation. They all noticed that Eugene took a liking to May, and they theorized that May was encouraging it to ensure orders of honey.

Regardless, he asked her to follow him into the parlor to wait for Alice.

Minutes later, Alice appeared, radiant in her robe and hair curled around tissues.

"May! You're here! Oh, how wonderful it is to have you with us tonight. I trust your journey was pleasant?"

May curtsied, not too gracefully. "Yes, my lady. Thank you."

Alice beamed and clasped May's hands in hers. "Come, I will introduce you to the maids who will assist you in preparing for the ball. They are eager to make you feel at home."

Inside Alice's room, there was a surprising lack of activity. Only two maids worked in the bathtub.

"I will be getting ready in my mother's room," explained Alice. "Her bathtub is so much bigger, you see. But I'm leaving you in the capable hands of Henrietta and Casandra. But if you need anything, they'll help you."

And with that, Alice left the three women to their own devices.

Introductions aside, Henrietta and Cassandra explained that they would bathe her first. The two pulled her besides the tub, but when they began to grab her dress, May stopped them.

"Can I do the undressing and bathe myself?"

The two maids looked at each other and then at May.

"Yes, Miss Berkeley," said Henrietta, "We'll be back in half an hour, but if you're ready to go sooner or want more hot water, ring the bell."

The independence within her wanted to scoff at the helplessness of the upper class- needing hot water?- but she did not mind the bath at all.

The maids left her to relax in the bath. May undressed and folded her clothes on the chair and then sank into the water. A couple of oils sat on a small table and she of course picked the lavender oil. The hot water drew into muscles she did not even know were tired. Eyes closed, she leaned her head on the edge of the bathtub and rested.

The door creaked open, and May assumed that one of the maids came to bring something for the bath. However, she looked over her shoulder to thank said servant but as the door swung open, a confused Eugene stood on the other side.

May immediately sunk back into the tub with a scream, "Get out!!"

Instead of getting out, Eugene thought staying inside but closing the door was a better idea to explain himself.

With the sound of the door closed, May once again assumed she was alone so she turned back and still saw Eugene who faced the wall and away from her.

"What are you doing here, you perverted son of a-"

"May, I promise I wasn't trying to peek. I apologize for coming in, but I didn't know you were in here... in my house."

"Why did you come in?" May asked, doubting the man.

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