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Thursday, November 9th, 1978
Nauseous (002)

⚠️TW: Violence, eating disorder, abuse⚠️
(Feel free to skip this chapter)

Tatum's POV

I woke up realizing I'm one step closer to the weekend. I hate the weekends. I rarely get to go out, and because of that, all I do is just stay at home and get beaten.

I got out of bed, going into the bathroom and hopping in the shower. I got up earlier than expected, so that's why I decided to shower. I usually take showers at night since I don't have time in the morning, but this was different. I finished my shower, then blowed dried my hair so it wouldn't be so wet.

I unwrapped my bandage I had around my waist, since I had showered with it on. It was still really bad and looked almost infected, I mean, he did use a dirty knife. I grabbed another bandage and wrapped it around my waist tightly. I have stacks on stacks of these bandages, it happens a lot. It stung, but I just held my breath so it wouldn't hurt much more then it already did.

After I was done, I changed into my clothes, which I think is pretty cute. I wore a brown crop top with grey cargos and threw a navy blue almost black, zip up over it. My school didn't have a dress code so it didn't really matter what we wore, as long as you weren't showing up in a full blown swimsuit.

Tatum's outfit

I then quickly did my hair that only took 10 minutes, it was very cute in my opinion

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I then quickly did my hair that only took 10 minutes, it was very cute in my opinion. Simple but wasn't too basic.

Tatum's hairstyle

I knew that you could see some of my scars and bruises, heck you could even see my bandage around my waist

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I knew that you could see some of my scars and bruises, heck you could even see my bandage around my waist. I hoped that the bandage wouldn't really matter, maybe I could create a look. Not with the other stuff though. I honestly didn't care that much at this point, so I didn't do anything to cover them up. I'd just make up some stupid story and hope they'd believe it.

𝐃𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐘 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄 ✪ 𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐤𝐞 Where stories live. Discover now