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Saturday, November 18th, 1978
Missing (008)

⚠️TW: self harm⚠️
(Feel free to skip)
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I woke up to the sound of a phone ringing. I tried to sit up but Finney's arm were held tight around my waist with his head snuggled up to my chest, so I couldn't move. "Finney" I whispered to him not taking my eyes off of the phone. Finney didn't wake up. I sighed and tried to get out of his grasp. Eventually, I was able to sit against the wall with Finney's head laying on my chest and his arms still around me. I looked at the phone, that was still ringing. I sighed angrily and grabbed Finney's hands and pulled him off of me, aggressively. Finney woke up. I went over to the phone and saw Finney turning around on his side. I picked up the phone. "Did someone call?" Finney asks in a raspy voice.

I didn't answer him. "Hello?" I said into the phone. The phone line started clicking, and so I said "hello?" Once again. I sighed and put the phone back. That was weird. "What happened?" Finney asks rubbing his eyes. "I don't know." I say sitting on the bed next to him. My eyes still hurt, but I think when I threw up, it helped a lot with my headache. My head stopped bleeding, which was good, but now there was dried blood on my face. Disgusting.

"Finney?" I say and he looks up at me. "Hm?" "Are we gonna get out?" I ask him. He looks down, then back up and takes a deep breath. "I'm not sure." He says. I sigh, choking back tears. I laid down on the bed slowly, and so did Finney. Our faces were almost touching. I was staring into his chocolate brown eyes, while he was looking into mine. I licked my lips, and in that moment, I could just kiss him. But I didn't. Instead, I wrapped my arms around his waist, and he did the same. We curled up in a ball with my head in his neck, and him playing with my hair.

I woke up with my eyes a little hazy, and saw the phone moving. Finney was practically falling off the bed, while I was taking up most space. "Stop it." I mumbled under my breath. I guessed that Finney also woke up too. "Stop what?" A raspy voice said. I gasped and jumped up in fear, so did Finney. "I'm hungry." I say with my back up against the wall with Finney right next to me. I was closest to the grabber and the phone. "Well, I can't bring you anything to eat." The grabber says as he was sat against the wall. "You'll have to wait." He added. "Is there someone upstairs see you bring us food?" Finney asks. "Don't you worry about that." The grabber says getting up.

"If you weren't gonna feed us, why'd you even come down here?" I ask raising my voice a bit. "Just to look at you." The grabber whispers, but loud enough where we can here him. My stomach dropped. I frowned, and looked over at Finney with my eyes, not moving an inch with my body. "I just wanted to look at you." He says staring directly at me, making eye contact. Not with Finney, not to both of us, but to me.

"I'll go." The grabber says sounding like his about to cry and shuts the door and locks it. I take a deep breath and felt absolutely disgusted. Who knows what he could've done while I was asleep? I mean, did he do anything other then just stare? I was so scared, and looked at Finney.

"Finney I'm scared." I say almost crying. "It's okay, i won't let him touch you, I promise." He says pulling me into a hug. I cried into his shoulder, and then we both drifted off to sleep.


After i got the phone call that my brother, Finney, was missing, I didn't know what to do. I felt scared, and I wanted to go looking for him, but I couldn't, I wasn't allowed to.

𝐃𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐘 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄 ✪ 𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐤𝐞 Where stories live. Discover now