Chapter 8

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Ariana's POV

Destiny and I get in the car. I start it up and begin to drive to the police station.

She looks out her window and I can tell she is extremely nervous.

"Hey love." I say


"You're going to be okay."

She nods not wanting to believe me.

30 minutes later

I park the car and we get off.

I walk to Destiny's side and I take her hand.

She flinches.

I feel a wave of sadness hit me.

"I'm sorry I didn't mea-" she begins but I cut her off.

"It's okay baby." I tell her.

She nods and looks down.

We begin walking to the building and I can feel her hand shaking in mine.

I feel bad. I don't want her to be scared, this is only going to help her.

We reach the building and I open the door, we go in and I tell Destiny to sit down in the waiting area while I go up to the front desk to speak with someone.

She nods and sits down.

I walk up to the front desk.

"How may I help you?" The lady at the desk asks.

"Yes I'm Ariana Grande. I made an appointment to speak with an officer about a girl named Destiny. The officer told me to be here at 2:00." I tell the lady.

The lady looks through her computer and I wait patiently.

"Yes they have you down for 2:00. Take a seat, officer Shmit should be out in a couple of minutes." she tells me.

"Okay thank you." I say as I go and take a seat next to Destiny.

"The officer will be out in a couple of minutes." I tell Destiny.


"Yes love?"

"I'm scared that if I say something I will get in trouble."

"Don't be baby, everything is going to be okay. I promise you." I say as I rub her back.

"My mom will be arrested and she will know that I told on her."

"Your mom is a very bad person. The way she treated you is wrong and she deserves to be put in prison for it." I explain to her.

"I's just...I'm scared that something bad will happen."

"Nothing bad is going to happen. As long as you are with me, you are safe." I say and I kiss her forehead.

She gives me a small smile.

I smile back and we sit in silence.

"Is Ms Grande here?" I hear someone say.

I look up to see an officer at a door way.

"Yes that's me." I say.

"We are ready for you." He says.

I nod.

"Okay are you ready?" I ask looking over at Destiny.

She nods.

"Okay let's go." I say and I take her hand.

We walk over to the officer and we step inside this small room with a table.

"Take a seat please, I will be back." Officer Shmit says.

Destiny and I sit down and I stare into her eyes.

She looks at me and then looks away quickly.

"You did tell me everything, right?" I ask.


"Are you sure?"




"What el-" I hear the door open and I stop talking.

"Alright now let's get started." officer Shmit says as he takes a seat across from Destiny and I.

He opens his laptop and looks up at us.

"So Ms Grande, you told me on the phone that you found Destiny?" Officer Shmit asks me.

"Yes, that's right." I say.

"I am going to need you to explain everything to me in order." He says as he gets ready to type.

Well...I was at the studio when I found her. It's was around 3am and as I was about to leave when I saw her walking by herself. I knew that she shouldn't be out at that time because it was dangerous and she could easily get hurt, so I rolled down my window. I asked why she was out so late and she didn't answer me. She just looked down at the ground, so I got out of the car and went up to her. I could tell right away that she was sad, I asked her if anyone knew she was out late and she told me that no one knew. Then I asked her again why she was out so late and she told me she was walking home, but I could tell she was lying. so I offered to give her a ride home but she told me it was fine and that she would be okay walking home on her own. I refused to let her walk home because I didn't want her to get hurt and she told me that it didn't matter...that no one would care if she got hurt anyways. In that moment I felt my heart break a little because she would think that and she noticed I got a little sad. She quickly started apologizing and I told her it was okay and if she could please let me give her a ride home. She got all sad and told me she didn't want to go home and when I asked her why she broke down. I sat down next to her and I held her close to me. She cried and begged me not to send her back home because her mother would beat her again. I felt my heart break even more. I told her I wouldn't make her go home and I told her my name was Ariana. She told me she knew who I was and that I was her hero. When she told me that I felt my heart tingle because I was happy that I could be that for her. And from there she told me her name was Destiny. I told her that we should get going and she asked me where we were going, I told her she was coming home with me because she had no where to go and there was no way that I was going to let her go back home. She told me it was fine and that she didn't want to be a bother to me but I told her she wouldn't be a bother and I finally got her to go home with me..." I finish up and I smile at Destiny who is looking down at the floor.

Officer Shmit types a few things and looks over at Destiny.

"Alright, now I am going to have to ask Destiny a few questions." officer Shmit says as he looks over at Destiny.

Destiny looks up and takes a deep breath.

Hey babes. I know it's been a long time since I've updated and I'm really sorry. I don't know why I haven't been updating. I guess I just haven't really been in the mood of writing anything lately. Today I was bored and I decided that I should get back to writing this book so I wrote this chapter lol. I hope you enjoyed. Now that it's summer I will update more!


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