Part 43

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Ethan was glancing from the road back to the rear mirror of the car he's driving.

His boss, the first born of the Sakusa family, Kiera became a bit unusual after he found her eavesdropping.

Meanwhile, Kiera was stopping herself from biting her nails after what she had heard from those two.

'Kiyoomi... my brother... has children.' She thought.

He had children with the one she forced to drive away from his brother's side.

She couldn't believe it.

Ethan quietly sighed as he continued driving.

When Kiera heard that Mr. Kiyoomi's secretary suddenly left, she was happy but it was the opposite for Mr. Kiyoomi.

It almost felt like her brother lost something dearly from him. That's what Ethan felt when his sister, Erin, told him.

The Kiyoomi he knew when he was younger was completely out of the picture when Erin talked about how much her boss changed.

Soon enough, Kiera regretted her decision to drive Atsumu away when she heard that Kiyoomi had an accident and lost a few years of his memories.

It was unbearable to see her younger brother be addicted to alcohol and didn't care about anything else.

It made her feel guilt even more, that's why she searched for Atsumu's whereabouts but Kiera couldn't find any traces of him.

Despite Kiera being a heartless female dominant alpha, she cares a lot for her siblings and has a weak heart for cute children.

She's 6 years older than Kiyoomi but she still wouldn't think about marriage or settling down and have children.

She said she wanted to have a lot of nephews and nieces from her two brothers who she will spoil rotten.

Ethan glanced back to the rear mirror to see madam's expression. But nothing has changed, she was worried and curious about something he doesn't think he has the right to know.


Kiyoomi, for the ninth time, found himself near the kindergarten once again right after he landed back to the Philippines.

The kids inside were having their snacks but it seems quite a bit less livelier when the twins aren't around.

'Where are they?' He thought as he put his hands on his pockets.

The project will end sooner than expected so I won't have any reason to come back here again.

He noticed a group of people near the gate of the kindergarten, they're most likely guardians and parents of the kids inside.

"There's a missing kid in section A?"

"Poor child..."

"How was the progress? Did they find the child?"

The teacher shook her head and looked apologetic and worried. "They... haven't found him yet but the Police has been doing their job searching for the kid."

"I couldn't imagine the feeling of his parents right now."

"Same, they must've been feeling tired and worn out from worrying about the child."

Kiyoomi became quite a bit curious.

"If you have any news, please contact Mr. Atsumu Miya."

That name again... it piqued his interest and so he came closer.

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