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CJ cleaned the floor for the hundredth time that night, sighing to herself as she couldn't help but glance at the clock every few seconds

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CJ cleaned the floor for the hundredth time that night, sighing to herself as she couldn't help but glance at the clock every few seconds. She was just waiting to be able to close up and leave, but of course the drunk men kept walking in and spilling beer everywhere. She cursed under her breath each time, taking a deep breath before she cleaned it all up.

Eventually, the bar was empty so she hurriedly finished everything she had to do and grabbed her purse - ready to go home. She locked the door behind her, turning around as she fiddled with her keys, only to run into someone's chest. CJ jumped, yelling as she put a hand on her chest to calm her racing heart.

"What the hell are you doing?" She asked the boy standing in front of her, taking a few seconds to observe him. His hair was all over the place and he could barely stand still - he was definitely drunk.

"Came to see you." He hiccuped, a lazy smirk on his lips as his blue eyes caught hers.

She frowned, genuinely confused. "Why?" She asked, skeptical. He only shrugged, giving her time to look him over. His knuckles were split open with dried blood all over them. There was a forming bruise right under his eye and it was obvious he recently had a bloody nose because there was still dried blood under his nose.

"Because I was being a dick the other day and-" He cut himself off, tripping over his foot and almost falling face first on the ground if it wasn't for two delicate hands pushing against his chest to hold him up. "Oops." He drunkenly chuckled, wrapping an arm around her shoulder as he moved to stand by her side. "Where to, my lady?"

CJ rolled her eyes, more than confused about the boy's behaviour. "Well, I don't know about you, but I'm going home." She told him, having no intention of hanging out with him - not after the last time they spoke.

"Could you-" He hiccuped, "-bring me to my hotel? I kind of wasted the last of my money on the trip here." Luke chuckled lightly, his words slurred. CJ noticed how glossy his eyes were and the way he couldn't hold himself up straight - so she decided to give him a ride. After all, she couldn't just leave him drunk in the middle of nowhere.

She didn't say anything, instead she simply started walking towards her car - hoping he'd just shut up and follow her. Surprisingly, he did. He did not say a word as he stumbled behind her, struggling to follow her. She unlocked her car and got in, just about ready to drive away without him in the car. Luke's tall body struggled to slide in the passenger seat, almost hitting his head on the top of the car. She bit her lip, holding back a laugh.

"What's your hotel?" He told her the name of it and luckily for her, she knew exactly where it was so she didn't have to ask for directions. They sat silently for almost the whole drive to his hotel, the only sound in the car was Luke who kept fiddling and shuffling around. CJ almost told him to quit it, but at least he wasn't yelling at her or being mean - so she let him be.

She parked on the side of the road, turning the engine off as she waited for him to get out. When he didn't, she looked at him and spoke up.

"Are you going to get out?" She asked, her tone flat as she observed him. He looked pensive, looking out the window as if he didn't register that the car stopped. Her words brought him out of his pensive state and right back to reality. As his hands unbuckled his seatbelt and reached for the door, CJ spoke up. "Why did you come to see me?"

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