Chapter 2

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By the time Peter had listened to Aunt May's scolding, Tony Stark had pulled up everything there was on Peter Parker. The kid who had managed to make him feel guilty for doing nothing, and someone SHIELD had labeled as a Spiderman suspect.

SHIELD probably could've figured out who Spiderman was, if they really wanted to, but apparently he wasn't a main concern. Besides, Spiderman had only done good things for the city.

It couldn't be a coincidence that Spiderman had saved the day at the base of his tower, then a few minutes later Peter Parker had shown up defending none other than Spiderman himself. Everything Parker had said was spoken as if it was very personal to him, all the more reason to investigate.

Tony Stark didn't know exactly why he wanted to know who Spiderman was, but part of it was how close Spiderman had hit home. Something the vigilante had done had directly affected him, and Tony's curiosity had gotten the better of him. He wasn't stalking; the term was too blunt and disgusting.

Just, keeping tabs, per say.

When JARVIS pulled up tabs on Parker, Tony had been impressed, as Peter was pretty much top of his class at Midtown Science; a science boy, nonetheless. Despite their argument, Tony thought he could make quick friends with the teen.

On the topic of Parker's more depressing tale; his parents both dead in a mysterious plane crash, raised by his aunt and uncle, until his uncle was shot by a robber. If he really was Spiderman, that would explain the personal vendetta towards petty crime.

That brought up the spider powers, and there were a few conclusions that Tony immediately thought of. He was born with them, and didn't act on them until his Uncle's death. (Or just ignored/didn't know about them until then.)

Maybe he had them all along, but something triggered them. His last palpable idea was that they had been recently developed from some sort of experiment or what-not.

Tony knew how to find evidence to back up some of his propositions (despite what the general public frequently forgot, he had taken Stark industries from a regular successful company to a multibillion dollar company that practically dominated the market; research was easy) , and decided to start with the first one. He looked up the birth records for Peter Parker, and searched for any complications during birth. There might not necessarily have been any, but if there was, it could easily stem back to mutant powers.

There weren't any, so then Tony decided to look further into Peter's health history. He was searching for any abnormal doctor discoveries or odd trips to the hospital. All Tony found was a broken leg and a case of swine flu.

Digging deeper, he pulled up juvenile records. Peter Parker had a clean slate, minus one small infraction. A while ago he had jumped into a tour at Oscorp with someone else's ID card.

Seeing as nothing was documented in Peter's history that led Tony to believe that Peter had always had his abilities, he moved onto the next theory; something had triggered his dormant powers. (Assumedly being his Uncle's death.)

That got Tony thinking. Most vigilantes were vigilantes because they thought the law wasn't enough. Every hero also had a back story, or reason to do what they do. If Peter was Spiderman, there was no reason for him to be any different.

"JARVIS, tell me the details of Ben Parker's death."

"Sir, Ben Parker was shot in attempt to stop an armed robbery. He bled to death on the sidewalk, his nephew Peter Parker the only one there for his time of passing. The suspect was described to have shoulder length blonde hair, and a star tattoo on his wrist. He was never brought in for questioning."

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