Chapter 4

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I promise more Avengers action is coming up! I know there hasn't been much yet, but it is coming! Just read on!

· The Black Panther uses vibranium in a micro weave mesh in his uniform that robs incoming objects of their momentum. He also cannot be stabbed, although the costume and the Black Panther can be cut if the attacker slashes along the uniform's grain. Beyond that he uses vibranium in the soles of his boots that allows him to survive a fall of several stories and, if given enough momentum, the Panther can also scale walls or skim across water. The field can be also used offensively to shatter or weaken objects, such as kicking something with the boots. He also used the other variety Anti-Metal, in retractable claws.
Peter couldn't believe himself lying in bed the night of his graduation. He had had his day planned out so well, but by the end of it, it had all been complete and utter shit. At least most of it had. He did see Harry, stop some hijackers, and graduate. But he had almost missed his graduation. He did miss his former, stress on the former, girlfriend's speech. They had broken off at dinner.

He hadn't told anyone, but Gwen probably had her theories, at least about why Peter had broken up on her. In fact, they weren't theories, because Peter had confirmed them. The guilt of going against Captain Stacy's last words had gnawed away at him, reducing him to a quivering, hallucinating mess. He saw the man everywhere he went, the betrayed, disappointed look on his face. Peter couldn't take it anymore, and besides, the man was right. He was a danger to Gwen; she could be used as bait far too easily.

And as to the fact of why he almost missed his graduation, well that was just his lack of not wanting to disappoint Bruce. Now that he thought about it, it was stupid really, but he hadn't wanted disappoint Bruce by not showing up for work at all. He wanted to slap himself, because if he had just told Bruce it was his graduation, well a lot of problems could have been avoided. But the stress of his hallucinations had got to him, and he wanted to go to the lab for just a few hours before graduation, and then tell Bruce he had to go. At least he'd have shown up.

But then the news story about Harry had come on, and the shock of seeing his lost friend had been too distracting.

Peter didn't notice the migraine until it was acting full blast upon him, but didn't bother to go get any pain relievers. He preferred wallowing in his own misery. He had no girlfriend; his uncle didn't get to see him graduate either. Or his parents, for that matter, although that wasn't as painful. They had died a long, long time ago.

Peter lay awake all night, his thoughts wandering everywhere; from the simplest, to the most important things. By the time his alarm rang, he had nothing left to think about. He rolled over slowly, all the way onto the floor. Now, of course, he felt he could sleep. It was a good thing he didn't have any school for a while, just his internship with Bruce.

What he really needed was to stop at a gas station on the way to work, where he could pick out something extremely awful for you snacks. (Mostly 5-hour energy.)

Peter grabbed some semi decent clothing, not bothering too much. Bruce had chastised him until he wore more casual clothing to the lab. Tony couldn't have cared less.

"Aunt May!" Peter called. "I'm leaving!" he said, while grabbing an apple, his backpack over his shoulder.

"Call me later, Peter!" she replied from her bedroom. She must've been downstairs at one point, because the TV was blaring with the news. Peter tended to avoid the news channel the day after he skipped a night out as Spiderman. He didn't really like to see who he didn't save when he was too exhausted to swing through the city at night like the vigilante he was.

Call it survivor's guilt, even though it technically wasn't his fault. But with great power came great responsibility, and Peter ran himself into the ground fulfilling that motto.

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