Chapter 5

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REVIEWS! They are my main motivation. Anyone who writes on here understands. If people don't respond to my writing, I feel as if they're bored with the story, even if that's not true. It feels so great to see people take the time to write something out for me and it spurs my creative process. If you ask me questions, give advice, etc. I'll respond!

Anyways, here it goes! Enjoy!


"We know who you are."

"Excuse me?" Peter stammered, doing his best to keep a surprised facade up. Not to say that he wasn't surprised, but it was more shock. He wanted to look genuinely confused. "What, exactly am I?"

"Look kid," Tony said. "I'm not going to throw you under the bus or anything; neither is Bruce."

"I'm sorry, I don't follow," Peter lied as smoothly as possible. Tony looked a mix between exasperated, triumphant, and pitiful.

"Peter Parker- your ordinary science geek by day, and vigilante by night."

"What exactly are you accusing me of?" Peter tried to act angry. He was really scared.

"I'm not accusing you of anything, just confronting." Tony wished Banner was here, he'd be better at this than him. Tony sighed.

Peter ran a hand through his mousy hair. "You think I'm Spiderman, don't you?"

Tony smirked- he couldn't help himself. "Your words, not mine, but basically yeah. SHIELD has had you on their radar for a while now, so just be thankful it's me and not them."

"You actually think I'm Spiderman?" Peter laughed. He prayed to whatever deity was out there that it sounded truthful. He didn't even ask what 'SHIELD' was.

"I don't think, I know," Tony replied.

Peter's confidence crumbled just a bit. "Regardless of how stupid you sound right now, does this mean I was only recruited for your interest in Spiderman?" He hoped it wasn't the case, although the answer wasn't all that surprising.

"Initially, yeah. It was pure coincidence you happened to be worthy enough to fit the job. But Bruce would really have hired you under different circumstances; this was just how we happened to come across you."

Peter tried, and failed, to hide his disappointment at being used. "Whatever, I'm still not Spiderman," he pretty much mumbled. He paced to the other side of the room, gazing out at the sky scrapers. It was midday; the worst of crimes had yet to occur.

His eyes were downcast and back turned to Tony when his spider sense went off like a firecracker. He jumped up as some sort of silent projectile whizzed past where his head had been, shattering the glass in front of him.

He turned, shocked, to Tony.

"You're lucky I'm fast enough!" he yelled. He realized his mistake as soon as it escaped his mouth. Peter stood rigid, awaiting Tony's reaction. He didn't know what else to do.

"I knew it!" Tony cried. Peter's hands flew to his head, groaning. Eyes wide, he shook his head.

"No- no, no, no, no, this can't be happening! Do you realize what you just did?" He was breathing in and out, far too fast for his liking. "Iron Man knows my fucking secret! Do you know what these means?" Peter yelled.

Tony stood with his mouth still open. "Look kid, I know you're mad, but-"

Peter spluttered, "Understatement of the millennia! If the Black Panther turned off all of your power, he can easily access all surveillance. Who knows who else can do that?" He crouched, his hands still knotted in his hair, before standing seconds later. "They're not safe anymore! Gwen, Aunt May; you ruined everything! Did you stop to think of the effect this would have on anyone other than you, huh?"

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