Chapter 6

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Chapter 6! In this chapter, a lot happens. There's probably more action than all the other chapters yet. Also, please excuse how the timeline with Peter going to college and when he got his acceptance doesn't make much sense. I tried to make it as reasonable and realistic as possible. One last thing, for those of you who've seen the newest Avengers movie, please be warned that the plotline may not be exact because I'm doing this for the most part off the top of my head. Also, it's a crossover, so things will be different.

Thanks to my beta Emmalie22!

Anyways, Enjoy!


"Can someone please tell me what's going on?" the Cap interjected, his voice taking on an military like bark.

"He's Spiderman," Tony said as fast as he could.

"Are you fuck- are you kidding me?" Peter yelled. Peter turned to the Captain, who was frozen still. "Excuse me Mr. America-"

"Steve is fine," he said quietly, shocked.

"Steve," Peter corrected. "But I'd prefer if you kept this little secret to yourself. And you," he said, turning back towards Tony. "You can consider this little 'internship,' finished. You have officially made my life that much harder and I cannot find myself to be bothered anymore."

"Come on now, Peter lets calm down and talk about this," Tony tried.

"Just shut up for once in your life, will you?" Peter pleaded. "JARVIS, do these windows open or do I have to take the elevator?"

"I will open the nearest one, Mr. Parker."

Peter brushed past Steve, who was still in the same place. He stood next to the open window.

"Tony, if you have any, and I mean any shame at all, please do not ever contact me again." And with that Peter jumped out the window, much preferring that than the awkward ride down the elevator.

There was a moment of silence before Steve spoke. "What the hell Stark?"


Four months later.

"Hey Peter?" his aunt spoke in a hopeful tone.

"Yes Aunt May?" Peter replied with a sigh, while loosening his grip on his suitcase.

"Just don't forget about me when you get caught up in the college life," Aunt May asked quietly. Peter couldn't help but feel guilty for a crime he didn't commit, and drew her in for a hug, his luggage long forgotten.

"Of course I won't forget you! I'll be back every holiday, every vacation, you name it. If there's time off I'll be there," he reassured before releasing her. "Besides, I'm not even leaving the state. Columbia isn't too far. It only takes a little less than an hour to get home."

"Oh, I know Peter," she said, sniffling. Was that a tear in her eye? "It's just, the house is kind of quiet without you."

Peter held her close once again. "Don't worry Aunt May, you'll learn to love the peace."

She laughed. "Alright Peter," she said, with little belief in what Peter had suggested. "I'm just happy you got into a school where all the endowments make it so affordable."

Peter chuckled. His Aunt sighed, "It's time for me to go."

"Let me walk you out then," Peter said, holding the door open. He too, was trying to keep his emotions in check. The reality that he was leaving his aunt to live on his own for however long hadn't sunk in until then. The fact that he'd faced villains and criminals seemed insignificant, because he'd always had someone to come home to. Now he had a roommate that he'd have to hide his secret from.

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