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In a way it felt like my airway was being taken from me. Not literally of course. But in many ways I felt suffocated ever since that incident happened, I appreciated the love and over protectiveness of my friends and boyfriend. Boyfriend...I still couldn't believe I get to call Yoongi my boyfriend. I smile as I lay in bed and think about his overly attractive face. But back to the matter, it had been two weeks and I hadn't seen or heard anything from that man. But still my friends were being extra cautious and insisted that I shouldn't be left alone, hell they even got Wooshik to stay with me until Yoongi was able to come home. Home meaning my house, he's sort of moved in I guess? Not that I minded, I love waking up to him and getting to sleep next to him every night. Our relationship was odd and fast paste I guess. We were anything but traditional, that's for sure. Anywho, they reassured me they didn't tell Wooshik everything, just that I had a stalker or some crap. I really did appreciate it and honestly it made me feel safe and loved but I had always liked my privacy.

I guess that's why I got so spooked and pissed when that man told me he had been watching me. It made me feel vulnerable and gross to be honest. The thought of being watched like that just creeped me out and I guess Yoongi and Jungkook easily seen my discomfort. Hence the whole don't let y/n be alone club. I can tell the whole situation was really bothering Yoongi and Jungkook, despite the new restraining order they still seemed the most cautious. I understood why Jungkook had this reaction and it made me wonder if he ever shared any details with Yoongi. Or maybe just the thought of that man hurting me was enough to turn him into my personal body guard. Sighing I turn on my side and frown, I wished he was here right now to cuddle but he was working. I had gotten home from work two hours ago, I had convinced Hoseok that Yoongi was waiting at the house for me so I'd be fine. He seemed hesitant but eventually let me go home alone. I made sure to lock everything up as soon as I set foot into my place. I know Yoongi will be upset with me but I needed a moment to breathe. Though lying here was slowly going to kill me, so I decided to get up and make us dinner. We had been eating out a lot and I was in need of some home cooking.

"Come on holly let's go make dinner"

Did I mention Yoongi made his dog stay with me? Not that I mind, I loved the little guy honestly. Though he was a big sweetheart so I'm not too sure what he'd do if there ever really was an intruder. But I assume his protective instincts would kick in right? Yoongi also installed a camera outside my front door, as I mentioned this whole thing was really bothering him. In a way it made me feel guilty, I didn't want my baggage to affect our relationship. But unfortunately it was having a bigger effect than I expected. I give holly a few kisses before we head into the kitchen, holly stays close as I pull out ingredients and start to cook. "Music?" I smile down at the sweetheart, holly barks as I nod and turn on the mixtape Yoongi had given me for my birthday. He always gets a little shy when I play these songs but honestly it was single handedly the most thoughtful gift I had ever gotten and every song made me think of him. So I happily sing along and cook my man a good meal.

After some time I can hear the front door open, I smile when I see Yoongi's tired eyes. Though he's giving me that I'm in trouble look "I made dinner" I say cheekily, Holly is quick to run over and give him loves. "Your mom doesn't listen does she?" My heart. He had started referring to me as Hollys mom a week ago and honestly the butterflies I got from the playful phrase was insane. "Should we punish her?" Yes. I blush at my own thoughts quickly turning away and making his plate. "Why did you lie to Hoseok?" He asks kicking his shoes off as well at his coat "I made your favorite" I grin, he shakes his head at me, though the corners of his mouth turn up indicating he was smiling. He spanks my ass a second later making me smirk before he pulls me into his chest and kisses my lips. I hum into the kiss while holly barks at us "shh" Yoongi mumbles making holly stop "long day?" I ask kissing his neck and chest "yes, I'm so happy to be home. My shoulder is killing me and I fucking missed you" I chuckle as I pull back and look at him "I fucking missed you more" he shakes his head, that cute smile on his lips "doubt that, it smells so good in here"

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