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That's how I felt when Seokjin approached me, but he looked sincere and for the sake of not wanting to ruin this trip I agree. I can see yoongi standing now in the corner of my eye so I glance over at him and give him a smile, though it doesn't seem to calm his nerves. I can see he's still tense but he stays put. Hoseok surprisingly goes over to him and starts to talk, maybe it was the distraction he needed. Seokjin continues to guide me into the other side of the house now, we go into the theater and take a seat. "Sorry I know this is weird but I wanted to get this out of the way so everyone can enjoy this trip and don't worry I'll have a similar talk with Yoongi. Just thought it'd be better if I do this one on one" I nod as he turns more towards me now, his ears red already as he takes a deep breath. He was nervous. "I just wanted to pull you aside and apologize for the last few months. I way over stepped when it came to you and Yoongi but really I had good intentions or so I thought I did."

He takes another deep breath and looks me in the eyes now "I really liked you y/n, I'm pretty sure I fell for you...hard but I knew in my heart you weren't fully in it like I was but still I thought maybe. Then when I seen you with Yoongi it just threw me off and so I guess out of jealously I did some digging or had someone else do some digging. I knew it was wrong and I kept telling myself I was doing it to protect you in the long run. So when I found out that he did do something I knew I had to warn you but we both know how that went. Anyways I just wanted to apologize to you personally, because despite you being with him I still miss our friendship and I don't like this tension we have going on so I hope you and Yoongi can forgive me" It was strange, I never imagined him apologizing for some reason even though I knew in my heart he wasn't a bad guy, he just did a bad thing so I shouldn't hold it against him right? Still it was hard for me to look at Jin the same, but I'd at least try to for his sake as well as everyone elses.

"I accept your apology Seokjin as long as you truly mean it and talk to Yoongi as well" he looks relieved almost immediately "I do mean it and I will talk to him right after this I promise" I smile and get to my feet as does he "It's not true huh?" I blink a few times and see he's being serious, I guess I'd be just as curious if I were In his shoes "No it's not, he's a good guy Seokjinnie, I wouldn't be with him if he wasn't" he smiles at the nickname and sighs "I know you wouldn't that's why I asked, I knew it had to be some misunderstanding if you were sticking by his side. I loved that about you, you try to see the best in people and look deeper into who they are as a person unlike a lot of us"  I smile once more before opening my arms for a brief hug "Thanks for hearing me out, lets head back out and I'll talk to Yoongi" I nod as we start to move towards the door. I can see Yoongi practically pacing at the end of the hall which makes me giggle quietly, once he spots me he stops and just stares. He looks upset but I don't think it's directed at me "You okay?" he asks pulling me to his chest no doubt he was eyeing Seokjin who was behind me. I kiss his neck and then his lips "Yes, but Seokjin wants to go talk to you" now he looks muddled as Seokjin approaches "Can we go talk for a minute?" Yoongi nods eyeing me as Seokjin turns back towards the hall "This better not be some set up, I don't share my woman" I laugh making Yoongi slightly smile "Just go and hear him out" he tsks before kissing my lips once more and heading into the theater.

"All is right in the world?"

I chuckle as Hoseok approaches me now "Was this your doing Hobi?" he shakes his head at me "No Hyung actually asked me a few days ago if I thought you'd hear him out if he apologized" I smile at that, I was happy this was something he wanted and not something he was influenced to do "Well then all is right in the world, lets just hope my boyfriend is as forgiving" he nods "Where is everyone? And did the food come?" I ask seeing how empty and oddly quiet the house was only Wooshik and Taehyung were still visible as they played in the pool. "Food was getting picked up ten minutes ago and the grocery store team decided to just take off, the store I guess was closing soon" I nod once I see Viv and Jungkook come into view now, they both get in the pool with the others making me roll my eyes. "Breath bestie, we have all week" Hoseok chuckles next to me, I playfully glare making him laugh even more "Honestly I don't get it either, Viv is an asshole. She was just with some other dude before we left, I saw her leaving his place. He oddly enough lives in my building. She of course acted like she didn't know me though"

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