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𝑹𝒊𝒏𝒂'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽

I can't believe summer is ending soon. I just pray that I get into K.I.S.S. I was sitting by the pool with some of my other friends, when I started to look at them  and saw  they were all boo'd up and that makes me sad, I've had one boyfriend and that end badly so there's that. Even Kitty has a boyfriend even if there not in the same place.

I looked back into my lyric book and continued writing my song when my phone began to ring. I looked down to see the K.I.S.S caller ID. I screamed and hopped off the lounge chair and head into the house so I can hear .

안녕하세요? (Hello?)

리나재린인가요? (Is this Rina Rae Lynn?)

예, 그녀입니까 (Yes, this is she)

축하합니다. K.I.S.S에서 공부할 수 있는 전액 장학금을 제공하고 싶습니다. (Congratulation we would like to offer you a full scholarship to study at K.I.S.S)

감사합니다, 수락합니다 (Thank you, I accept)

가을에 만나요 Ms.Lynn (See you in the Fall Ms.Lynn)

After I ended the call I squealed in excitement at the news, I knew I had to tell Kitty,so I ran back to the pool, but ended up bumping into to her. "I got into K.I.S.S," "You did," we laughed as we say that at the same time.

"Thats amazing we can be together and you can see Dae, and I can find out more about my dad," We squealed at that, but then she stopped. "How are we going to tell our parents," we groaned and sat down on the ground.

𝘼𝙩 𝙍𝙞𝙣𝙖 𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙨𝙚

I sat my mom and stepdad on the couch in front of the powerpoint I made. "Ok, so I need you two, mostly mom to let me finish my presentation, before ya'll say anything ok," they nodded their heads.

(AN: she's clicking through the slides as she talks btw)

"Ok, so Mom you went to K.I.S.S, and as you probably know so did dad. I just want to know more about my culture and him also. You maybe worried, but I won't be going alone, Kitty will be coming with me. I think its a great opportunity, and the good thing is I already know the language so you don't have to worry about that either."

My mom interrupted and said, "But on the other side of the world, honey I don't know about that," my step dad told her to just let me finish. 

"Thank you, I really want to go, I promise I'll keep my grades up. Also Kitty my BEST FRIEND dosen't understand a lick of the language, and her mom went there too, so that would make us feel as if were in your shoes, and having the same experiences. So what do you say?"

My parents looked at each other and looked back at me and stood up from the couch. The walked over to me and engulfed me in a hug. "You can go as long as you keep your grades up, don't go anywhere by yourself, look out for kitty, and call us all the time," my mom said backing out of the hug.

"Are you serious?!" I exclaimed, they nodded their heads, and I screamed. Jumping into their arms I kept shouting 'thank you'. "I gotta tell Kitty," And with that I was out the door and across the street to kitty's house, but before I could knock, the door swung open and I was knocked to the ground.

I looked up to see kitty on top of me. "What did they say," we asked at the same time, we really gotta stop doing that. "They said yes," again at the same time and we hugged at that.

𝘈𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘱𝘰𝘳𝘵

𝘈𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘱𝘰𝘳𝘵

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Rina's outfit, luggage, backpack, and headphones

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Rina's outfit, luggage, backpack, and headphones

Kitty and I were in line to get our tickets when she step up to the counter and said, "Katherine Song Covey. "Kitty" to my friends, and I'm on my way to Seoul, Korea." I rolled my eyes and tapped her, "She dosen't need to know that," she laughed and grabbed her ticket. After I got mine we found somewhere to sit and I texted my parents, while Kitty was emailing her sisters, why I don't know. I told her I'd be right back, I had to use the restroom.

When I got back she had a frown on her face."What wrong with you?" I asked sitting back down.

"Some guy who is going to our school, bump into me and was rude and acted as if he didn't know English," I scoff.

"What a dick, lets hope we don't run into him," she nodded her head in agreement.

𝙄𝙣 𝙎𝙚𝙤𝙪𝙡

After we had finally gotten our luggage, Kitty had to go shopping. "Kitty come on less shopping more walking, were gonna miss our bus." "Ok ok I'm coming let me grab my bags," I groaned as she struggled with her stuff. And as the awesome friend I am I grabbed one as we walked out the airport.

"Wait thats our bus!" she yelled as she tried to chase after it, and I ran with her, but she ended up falling. I helped her up and scolded her. "I told you if  you took to long shopping we would miss our bus, come let's see if there are maps," we walked over to the stand but they were all out. 

So I looked it up on my phone, and we began walking. We looked at all the different places and they were beautiful. Kitty kept trying to ask for directions but was ignored, I try to tell her we'll have to figure it out ourselves.

As we were walking I looked the proper way across the street, and kitty didn't know and looked the wrong way,  but before I could stop her she walk-on to the crosswalk and got hit by a car. "Kitty!" I ran over to help her up, and when the driver got out of the car I began yelling at him.

당신에게 무슨 문제가 있습니까, 당신은 떠나기 전에 보지 않습니다. 당신은 내 친구를 죽일 수 있습니다!(What is wrong with you, you don't look before you pull off. you could've killed my friend!)

And thats when a rich looking girl with a cute outfit on got out the car. "Are you okay? Do you need help?" she asked

"Can we get a ride," I laughed at my friend as she popped off the ground.

차에 가방을 넣어주세요. 그들은 우리와 함께 오고 있습니다.(Put their bags in the car, please. They're coming with us.)

Stupid rich boy (Xo, Kitty oc x Min ho)Where stories live. Discover now