PART - 2

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                                             -----The college reunion---- 

One of India's Top Business Studies University Has organized a Reunion .

Both Sameer and Prem were from this college in-fact they were best friends , but due to work and family they got separated and lost connection with each other .

                                      --------AT THE EVENING PARTY--------

Prem and Sameer finally met after years . They hugged each other as soon as they meet 

"How are you Prem ? its been years since we met " Sameer asked 

"I am good . How are you ? You have changed a lot "Prem replied 

"I am fine . Btw where are staying now  ? and what are doing ?Sameer asked 

"Udaipur ! I started a business there I own top resorts and restaurants there ? what about you ?" Prem answered 

"That's great !! Ah I am living in Delhi and I do a Pharmaceutical Business " Sameer replied 

"That's amazing ! How is your family " prem asked .....

The convo continues........


"Disha i am telling you , you are getting married this year that's it and leave this job "Ritu shouted at Disha 

"Mumma why do want to get married that bad. what have I even done to you"Disha left crying 

Its not like she didn't wanted to get married but she thought it was too early to get married and about Ritu she loves her daughter the most the reason she wanted Disha to get married was common as any mother who would want her daughter to get married and have a family and the most important reason was that Disha is  very innocent and she doesn't want her daughter to find a wrong person as her life partner.

                                                  -------A MONTH LATER ---------

It was Prem and Ritu's 25th Anniversary .Disha and Adhya planned a huge party for her parents .

And about Disha's job she started working with her father . 

"Papa I have invited everyone from the list you have given is there anyone else you want to invite" Disha asked checking the list 

"Ahh my college friend Sameer I totally forget him I will call him and invite him personally "Prem replied 

"Anyways I will send them the invitation card" Disha replied while Prem nodded 

                                                           ------- DELHI--------

Sameer smiled as he ended the call and looking at the invitation card . 

"Naina , remember I was telling about my college friend Prem its their 25th anniversary they have invited us to their party . And its been really long since we went on a family trip . what do you think?"SAMEER said 

"Yes its really been long time since we went on a family trip and after Rishabh and Abhi started going to the company they are not even getting time with us and of course they have invited us with so much love we have to go ."Naina said 

"I'll talk to Rishabh and Abhi then " sameer replied and Naina nodded being excited 

                                                  -----DINNER TIME-----

The Arora family was having dinner as Sameer started the convo 

"AHH Rishu , Adhi you know my college best friend is celebrating his 25th Anniversary and they have invited us to their party and its very important for us attend"  Sameer said 

"Ofcourse papa we will attend the party just tell me when the party is we'll clear our schedule"  Rishabh replied 

"Umm its 25th of this month and if guys are okay with coming then Abhi book the flight tickets " Sameer said 

"Flight tickets??" Abhi asked 

" The party is in Udaipur " Naina hesitantly said

"Papa we can't leave work and go like this to Udaipur, see we are not stopping you both you can go and enjoy but please we can't come " Rishabh replied 

AFTER arguing and doing some emotional drama and blackmailing them , they finally agreed going to Udaipur 

                              ___________Lets see what happens in Udaipur now____________

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