Chapter 23

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A gunshot was fired, and the police chief fell with a thud. The person who shot him walked into the laboratory, bent down, and saw a small microphone on the man's shirt he then shot the mic while still on the dead body. "It's done,"

"Great," Y/n wiped her tears and dusted herself. She then proceeded to turn off the blaring lights and alarm. "What took you so long?"

"Gotta see the whole performance, great acting by the way, made me think you wanted to leave," The male chuckled.

"How the hell did you manage to imitate G/n's voice?" She asked changing the subject.

Hanma shrugged. "What can I say, I have many great talents,"

"Huh. You're not completely useless after all," She said, her eyes still lifeless as ever.

"And you're completely nuts," Hanma laughed as he poked the chief police with his foot. "How do you plan on covering this up from the authorities?"

"I don't have to, Naoto's the one who needs to do that, it's not like I was the one doing an illegal investigation" Y/n brushed off. "My only goal is for them to take the bait," She then looked at him. "You, did you tell anyone about this?"

"Of course not," He answered. "I'm on the side where I can get more benefits for myself, and that's your side, so I can assure you that my lips are sealed,"

"Good," She then walked closer to him. "'cause if you did, who knows what'll happen to you,"

"The way you threaten me is so cute," Hanma said with a breathy tone.

Y/n then scrunched her nose. "Don't make it weird,"

"Eh, I don't know, we make a pretty good team. Don't you think?" Hanma smiled.


"Oh come on~!" He followed her as she continued her work in the lab. "You get to boss me around, you like that don't you?"

"I already do that, now shoo, I'm busy," She furrowed her brows as she turned away.

Hanma chuckled. "Alright, just give me a call and I'll be here," He then bowed theatrically. "Well then, m'lady, I'm off,"

When Hanma left the room with the body in a body bag, Y/n received a call from Naoto on Yusano's phone which she has been using ever since the day she took her from the hospital.

She stared at Yusano's phone in her hand for a moment. She left it ringing as she walked out of her laboratory to proceed to the next part of her plan.




While Y/n was busy with her plans, Naoto was slowly losing all his grasp on his morals. He and the chief police aka Yusano's stepfather were working together to possibly find out what happened with Yusano.

Since, even after a month of working with Y/n (who is flawlessly impersonating Yusano), Naoto still doesn't believe that she's her.

And after the events that he heard over the mic attached to the chief police's body, he just didn't know what was real or not anymore.

Where is Yusano? Is Y/n alive? Is she being held captive by the leader of Mikaboshi?

So many questions brewed in his mind but it was all soon disrupted when his phone rang, at first he thought it was Yusano trying to reach him but instead, it was an unknown number.

He answered it nonetheless, and before he could ask who it was, the caller spoke. "A war is about to break loose," They said, sounding robotic and automated.

Reality's Illusion; Sequel to C.F. | Bonten [Tokyo Revengers X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now