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"Ivan, bro I missed you," Aura said as she dashed towards her brother giving him a warm deep hug.

"Awwn sis, I missed you too."

"So how is the Netherlands doing?" She asked.

"Well, it's been ok. No demons, fewer crime rates, and, the school has been lovely." He replied.

"Now isn't the time though, c'mon we got to ensure that thing is dead." He continued.

"Is this your first demon kill?" Aura continued.

"Actually.." He started to give his old lying face.

"You haven't, have you?" she smugged a grin of ecstasy on her face.

"Finally, something I have done that bro here hasn't." She chuckled at the last part.

"But, I still beat you at many things." He spouts in defense.

"Anyway, look at how it's slowly disintegrating. That means it's dead."

Just as they were conversing and bonding, a surprisingly big black light shone behind them, like a teleportation circle. They sensed something they'd never felt before- Something rather sinister, neither human nor demon-like. A humanoid figure walked out of the circle holding a scythe longer than him. Looking like a twelve-year-old child, wielding a powerful blade that was cutting through the wind, not to talk of his aura that was choking the colors. Stepping out of the clouded teleportation ring he became more visible. He was wearing a cloak that was an inch away from scraping the floor.

"Hey there colors." He engaged in a conversation.

"Who.. sorry, what are you?" Aura bravely asked.

"Oh, you can say I'm the boss of this batch of your so-called demons."

"We can see that, but what the hell are you."

"Umm, I'm human actually. I got blessed with enough strength from lord Kalan, enough to obliterate you guys."

"Just to be clear, we wiped him the last time," Susan said.

"Did you now? Besides despite my looks, I'm two hundred years old, to tell you my level of experience." He spun his scythe, and the force from it pushed the colors a few meters back.

Aura got up with the last ounce of strength, engulfed herself in fire, and dashed at top speed to the guy. Before her brother could stop her, the unknown boss raised his scythe and slashed, just right before it hit her head- they heard a voice echo in their heads saying:

" I see the universe in two colors, black and white... Where do you fall?"

A sword came between her head and the scythe then clashed with the scythe, the blast pushed everyone way back, making Aura stumble the most. She managed to raise her head and look at the newly appeared character, slowly- from the ground to the top, a free black cloak was waving around from the remaining wind made by the impact, two sword sheaths on his back, one still sheathed, curly and wavy hair, he was looking at her from his side as well, then he smiled when their eyes met.

"Who-- are y-oo-uu?" She managed to stutter.

"I am Eternal..." he whispered.

"Eternal, as in color black?" G-pull finally pulled away from her shock.

"Yes, color black." He said.

To be continued in the book:

The Olympians : War in the unknown

Do well to also read:

Rising of Spectra: The Olympian series

So you can get a better understanding of the main book.


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