Part 8: It's. All. Because. Of. HIM!

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I cried right then and there in the bathroom when I saw the stain of blood in my panties. Zayn wasn't even in Chicago, Zahid wasn't home. I immediately went weak as the cramps hit me, few minutes passed and I knew I'd hit the floor and fainted. 

I didn't know how long it had been until I heard yelling around me. And one voice stood out, and the voice was crying, and the voice belonged to my husband. I flicked my eyes open and was blinded by the white lights and I saw the figures of the boys. 

"It's because of him, It's All Because Of HIM, Harry! He's the reason my wife's suffering! He's the reason my daughters and son are dead, it's all because of him" I heard Zayn yell evidently through tears

"What did he do to you or Y/N, Zayn? He let you be didn't he? Why do you blame him?!" Niall exclaimed. 

"It's like he's a bad omen, Niall. First it was because he so called- wished us at our wedding-" Zayn took a deep breath, "And our first child died" 

He continued, "It can't be a dammit coincidence now that three months after we see him, and- and now- " He broke into more tears again, "I- I can't believe it to be a coincidence, I seriously, seriously can't" 

No one said anything. Not Harry, Not Niall, Not Liam, Not Caroline. I knew they were all here, I hadn't gone blind. 

"Guys?" Caroline said.  

"Yes?" The four of them turned to her. 

"She's awake?" 

The five of them turned to me, and Zayn was the first to sit beside me. And the others went out. 

"What happened?" I asked in a whisper as I sat up in the bed, seeing his tear stained cheeks and tear pooled brown eyes. 

"We- We were going to have twin daughters..." He said as the tears that were collected in his eyes started pouring out, "You had a... miscarriage" 

That explained everything they were talking about. It was about him... It was about Louis. He was the bad omen Zayn was talking about. Our son died a week after he was born. Zahid technically is our second child, and second son. And this was our third child, or children from what Zayn was saying. I didn't even know it, the tears just came flowing out involuntarily when I thought of it. I didn't even know what to say about them talking about Louis. I just decided to go on with life as if I didn't hear them. 

"Y/N I'm so sorry" Zayn said as he held one of my hand. 

"No. No, it wasn't your fault" I said pushing off his tears with my other hand. 

"No, I was so stupid. I was just... I got so mad that you said Yes that day. I just- I thought you were still in love with him- I was so dumb to get mad at you when you were pregnant, and not talk to you for three months straight. I didn't even care for you for three months. Even Zahid was brilliant enough to ask me that, I'm to blame" 

"Zayn No. I get it, you're short tempered, you're 24/7 jealous of all the guys that talk to me besides Harry, Niall, Liam and Zahid. Hell, I know sometimes you're even jealous of yourself when sometimes you realise you're lucky as fuck to have a wife like me" I said, "And when it comes to Louis you get jealous and angry all at once and you get mad and you don't know what you're doing so I don't blame you, okay?" 

"Okay" Zayn said with his lips pursed and he looked like a kid. And then I did something he didn't expect. My hand landed on his cheeks. 

"What was that for?!" 

"That's for not talking to me for three months dumb shit" I muttered. 

"Can I come in?" I heard a familiar baby voice. We turned to the door to see Zahid clutching his teddy bear that was not a panda but was named Panda. 

"Did he see you slap me?" Zayn whispered. 

"I think so" I whispered back. 

"Shit" He mumbled, "Dignity lost" 

"What's it with dads and dignity in front of their kids" I mumbled as I rolled my eyes, "Come in love"

"It's also mums for your information" He replied as Zahid walked in.

"Were you crying, love?" I asked as Zahid sat next to me in the bed. He nodded, "Oh No! Why?" 

"Uncle Niall told me I won't have a sister anymore?" He said  

"Niall you dumb piece of-" Zayn started mumbling. I patted him on his wrist cautioning him that our son was present. 

"Huh. When did he tell you that?" I asked. 

"Yesterday" Zahid replied. 

"It's ok, Zahid, you'll have a sister soon okay?" Zayn told our son without any discussions from my side. I snapped my head at him and glared. Zahid nodded, and Zayn turned to me with a smirk on his face, "What?" 

"And whom did you ask that too?" I asked. 

"God" He whispered. 

"And when did the very busy Pakistani who was sitting in India have time to get an appointment with God while trying not to be seen as a terrorist but a businessman?" I asked. Zahid giggled at that. 

"What did you understand to giggle at that, young man?" Zayn asked as he tickled Zahid. 

"Ok family time's over make way for the uncles and aunt now" Caroline announced as the four of them walked in and sat on any place they could find. 

"Say Zahid, what did your dad say about what I told you?" Niall asked. Rest of the three chuckled. Zayn and I looked at each other in shock. So this was planned huh. 

"He said I'd have a sister soon" He replied. All three of them hid their laughter as the two of us looked way

"Say mate, why's your cheek pink?" Liam asked. 

"Mum slapped Dad" Zahid laughed.  

"I told you he saw it" I said, turning to my husband. 

"Great, you've lost your dignity" Liam said to Zayn. 

"Parents and Dignity, god" Harry exclaimed. 

"Become a parent n' then talk mate" Zayn, Liam and I chorused. Niall got a call and he picked up. 


His eyes teared up and the tears started flowing out. 

"Guys" He said through his tears once he cut the call. 

"What happened Niall?!" Liam asked. 

"Louis" He just replied. 

"What about him now?!" Zayn groaned. 

"He's gone" Niall replied. 

"He's gone missing now! That's great" Zayn exclaimed. 

"No, Zayn. He's Gone. Forever. He's Dead" 

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