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It's currently the twelfth of August. Leo has been staying at my place for the last four days. We've been binging Gotham and discussing our favourite villains, their backstories, and which version of the backstories are the best; comics, shows, movies, fan creations, etc.

He likes staying at my place, says he prefers my parents over his own. He fits in so naturally here, joins in with our jokes and even rips on me with Jake and Lily. I offered him space in my wardrobe and dresser so he can keep some of his clothes here, which he accepted.

He already has another set of toiletries and stuff in my bathroom so he doesn't have to bring his from home over each time, as we intend on hanging out at my place quite regularly. I didn't see why he could keep some of his clothes here either.

I still kept up my workout routine while he's been here. On the days I was boxing Leo would sit in the garage and practice playing his electric guitar. On the day I danced we would practice the choreography to Justin Timberlakes 'Sexy Back' by 1Million Dance Studio. It was so hard to get right as we kept laughing at each other. We probably should have picked a different song but when we saw it in my recommendations we couldn't just not do it!

We were in my room, finishing another episode when I decide to ask Leo a question that's been on my mind for a while now. "Hey Leo, why does South Park have heroes and villains?"

After seeing Mysterion on the News I decided to do some research into him. I found out that the town has had him helping out for a while now, even stopping major destruction from a villain named 'Professor Chaos'

The further I looked into it the deeper it got, even showing other heroes like 'Tool Shed', 'Human Kite', 'Tupperware' and more. There was even a villain that posed as a hero named 'The Coon' which I was immediately concerned by until I saw the costume and realised it was because he was a raccoon.

Apparently this hero and villain shit dates back about seven years. The heroes and villains looked to be about eight to eleven years old when it all started. At first, it looks like they were just playing but over the years Mysterion became an actual Vigilante and Chaos became an actual Villain who did everything he could to cause Chaos by using 'Chaos Theory', A.K.A the 'Butterfly effect'.

He never seemed to directly harm anyone, not like a typical villain would. He would spend time calculating every move, say the right thing to the right person or move a tree branch at the right time and boom! A domino effect is created which ultimately leads to complete Chaos. He really chose his name well...

The other heroes and villains left the scene over time, showing up less and less in the local paper. Mysterion and Chaos however only continued to solidify their names in South Park's history books. They couldn't be older than Eighteen now, the fact they've both done so much for better or for worse is astonishing.

"What do you mean?" Leo looks over at me, pausing the next episode that played automatically. "I mean Mysterion and Professor Chaos. I did a bit of digging and they both date back years and they can't be any older than eighteen right now! No one knows their identities either! They started this as kids you'd think someone knows who they are!" I exclaim, I thought my question was pretty obvious.

"Oh, them... I don't really know. I haven't looked into it. While they're pretty prominent figures in South Park, none of what they do directly affects me so..." Leo trails off and I stare at him in disbelief. "What do you mean so?! Leo, you love villains just as much as I do! Well, complex villains anyway. How could you not want to look into your town's own vignette and villain!"

He shrugs and presses play on the next episode, ending the conversation there. It's so odd, he's never one to not talk about his interests when someone asks him and there's no way he's not interested in this.

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