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I've been at school for two weeks now and I'm struggling. Big time. I knew I'd be behind but it's so much worse than I thought! I have no idea where to start with math, my English is fucked and I didn't even know what a fucking periodic table was until two days ago!

Don't even get me started on Spanish. I chose that as an elective as I thought I'd be able to start from the basics but all the other students are almost fluent!

It's the weekend. Kenny, Kyle and Wendy have come over to help tutor me. Yes, all three of them. That's how bad this is. They figured since all three of them think in different ways if I don't understand how one of them explains something I should, hopefully, be able to understand it from the other two. So far it's actually been working really well. Leo, Stan and Cartman are over too but they're just here to play video games.

"Wait... So a + b = c, is the same as c - a = b or c - b = a. But it's not the same as b - c = a, or a - c = b. This is because c is the product of a and b, you can take a or b from it, but you can take it from a or b." I state after Wendy finished explaining it to me for the fourth time, "Yes! That's correct!"

"So, x + y = z isn't the same as x - y = z for the same reason?" I ask, making sure I've understood this correctly. I hate this so much, I hope the person who put letters in math died horribly.

Wendy hugs me excitedly, "Yes! I'm so proud of you! You started this lesson not even knowing what algebra was and look at you now!" She exclaims, letting go of the embrace.

"Thanks, Wendy. I have to admit that, while I still hate math, once you explained how to do it it all started to make sense. It's all logical. While with Science and English, there are so many different ways to be right, with math there's only one answer and it can always be explained. There's no room for arguments with the teacher as to why you're right. You're either right or you're not. Simple."

Wendy smiles at me with pride. We've gotten to know each other pretty well over the past week and she's such an amazing person. She's kind, caring and has been fighting for better behaviour towards minority students in school since she was at her elementary school. She literally dressed as a guy and used he/him pronouns for three days to prove a point against Cartman. She's amazing.

Also, she and Stan are so fucking cute. She brings out the best in him and shows a side of him you don't really see unless she's around. He's typically cynical and somewhat introverted without Wendy around. However, when she is, he's a lot more optimistic about life and more willing to joke around.

Not to mention, she's also queer. She identifies as a bisexual demi girl. She has tried they/them and fae/faer pronouns in the past, but she prefers just she/her currently.

Stan is literally the only cishet dude in this room right now. What an Ally. Low-key though I think he could be bi or at the very least bicurious with how he looks at Kyle sometimes but that's for Stan to figure out.

After all, people tend to hang out with others who are similar to them. When I first became friends with my closest friends back home I was the only queer one. Within the next four years, they all figured out they were also queer.

In all honesty, sometimes I forget cishet people exist until I talk to people outside my friend group and get hit with reality again.

"Okay, so now that you're up to a passing grade of understanding with math we should probably start on your comprehension skills. Or did you want to leave that for now and start on chemistry?" Kyle asks, flipping through his notes. I don't understand how he does it. He's an A-grade student across the board, taking all AP classes and absolutely killing it at basketball.

Granted, I've heard shit from Kenny about Kyle's relationship with his parents. Apparently, they've put so much pressure on him to do well that even the thought of doing anything less than perfect is enough to send him into a spiral.

His room is always clean, he has everything in its place all the time and he has to follow the same morning routine every school morning. I'm pretty sure he has OCD and no I'm not talking about the "Oh, I'm so clean, haha!" Kinda bullshit that everyone thinks OCD is.

I'm talking about having obsessive and compulsive behaviours and thoughts that spiral into anxiety and panic attacks when things aren't done the way they "should" be.

Every time he taps his pen it's four times, when he rolls his neck he does it four times. Even checking if he has everything in his bag he checks four times. It's always in fours and I've noticed that if it isn't in fours, let's say a chair squeaks three times, he'll become tense and start rolling his neck and shoulders more, or tap his pen or fingers more intensely.

I hope he's getting help for that, OCD is a bitch of a mental illness to deal with even with help. Dealing with it alone would be a nightmare.

Meanwhile, my life is somewhat chill. My parents couldn't care less if I got a C grade all around. All they ask is that I do my best and strive to beat my own personal bests. If a C grade is my best then they're proud of it and proud of me for trying.

The only pressure I have on me is the pressure I put on myself to never let myself slip up when it comes to boxing. I work out every day, I train every week, and I'm consistently trying to keep bettering myself. While I'm okay with not getting better all the time, I'm not okay with getting even the slightest bit worse.

Even still, couldn't imagine the amount of stress Kyle goes through. I wish he didn't have to, that's no way to go through life. Everyone is flawed and it's our flaws that make us amazing. Being perfect all the time must be exhausting.

"Yeah, comprehension requires me to read shit first and my brain is currently in math mode so chemistry is probably best."

We work in Chemistry for about an hour and this time Kenny is the best at explaining it to me. I don't know what it is but the way he says it with so much enthusiasm I can't help but hang on to every word. Science is his favourite subject so it makes sense as to why he's so passionate about it.

"P⁴0¹⁰ + 6H²O, so that would be four of Phosphorus, sixteen of Oxygen and twelve of Hydrogen. H¹²P⁴O¹² can be shortened to 3H³PO⁴ right? That would make the formula P⁴0¹⁰ + 6H²O » 3H³PO⁴ or just P⁴O¹⁰ + H²O » H³PO⁴ right?" I ask, finishing up the equation in the science homework.

"That's correct! See I told you you'd get it!" Kenny exclaims, giving my left shoulder a supportive squeeze. He's sitting to my right, his left arm is around my shoulder. I was so focused on the homework, I don't actually know when he got so close but I'm not complaining.

He has his hood off completely so he could talk clearly. He's got scruffy blonde hair, bright blue eyes, freckles and one hell of a jawline. He's taller than me, about 5'11 possibly 6 foot and always seems to have a different colour of nail polish on each week.

He blames it on his sister. Says he's letting her practice makeup on him as she wants to study cosmetics and become a makeup artist when she's older. While I don't doubt that's the case, I also think he just likes having coloured nails.

Handsome, smart, and loves his younger sister. Yeah, I don't mind him being so close to me in the slightest.

"Are you guys done yet? You've been at this for like, almost four hours." Stan complains as he walks over to Wendy. He wraps his arms around her waist and rests his on her shoulder. Cute.

"Yeah, I'm done. If I do anymore my head might explode." I state, placing my pencil down triumphantly. "Finally! Let's go nerds, I want food!" Cartman exclaims, turning off the TV.

"You always want food fatass." I quip with a smile, Cartman laughs. It's fun having a friend to insult again, I was this way with all my close friends back home. Out of all the people in South Park, I didn't expect the dude I threatened on my first day here would become a close friend.

"At least I have an ass you fucking twig," Cartman quips back. I go to reply, only to hear Kenny mumble to himself, "...definitely has an ass..."

"What was that Kenny?" I ask innocently, knowing full well I heard. A light blush spreads across Kenny's face, "Nothing! Let's go eat!" He exclaims getting up for the table and walking off to go put his shoes on.

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