Truth or Dare (PART THREE)

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Clyde grabs the bottle and spins it. With only six people left, including him, the room is more suspenseful. It lands on Leo who is so high he didn't even notice.

"Leo. LEO!" Clyde exclaims, finally gaining the smaller boy's attention, "Truth or Dare?" Leo thinks for a moment before completing spacing out again and saying, "Can anyone see that butterfly or is it just me?"

"Okay, he's not playing anymore you'll have to spin again." I explain, gently grabbing Leo from the circle and placing him gently on the couch.

Clyde spins the bottle again and it lands on Craig. A smile makes its way onto Clyde's face, "Craig, truth or dare?" Clyde asks and Craig flips him off, "Dare."

"I dare you to take your shirt off." Clyde replies and Craig rolls his eyes, flipping Clyde off again. "Why do you keep daring me to take my clothes off dude? Not even Tweek asks that much." Craig spins the bottle before leaving the circle, taking a spot next to Tweek.

"Wendy, truth or Dare?" Craig asks when the bottle stops on her, "uh, truth." Wendy replies, Craig's usually chill with his truths and dares so she's not super worried.

"How many times did you date someone else when you can Stan were on a break?" Except this question was loaded and not at all what Wendy was expecting, especially since Stan was asked this earlier and he said zero.

"I uh..." Wendy replies, unsure if this was a question she wanted to answer and she wasn't about to drink again either. "I'm not going to answer this, however I want to make it clear I've never cheated on Stan. A break is a break." Wendy states before spinning the bottle and leaving this circle.

The only people left are;
- Clyde
- Kenny
- And Cartman

All three would do literally anything for money. Which makes this a dangerous game. "Kenny, truth or dare?" Wendy asks as the bottle stops on the princess. "Truth!"

"Tell us all your kinks." Wendy states and Kenny thinks for a moment. He's not one to hide anything about his turn-ons. However he's recently developed some new ones he'd rather keep private.

"Pass me the shot glasses..." Kenny sighs, he's had six shots. These next four will be ten in total. However they have been decently spread apart so he's not too worried.

"Damn dude, since when were you shy about your kinks?" Cartman laughs, but Kenny smirks at him, "Careful Cartman, I'm still in the game. You wouldn't want me to give a bad truth or dare, would you?"

Cartman holds his tongue as Kenny takes his shots and spins the bottle. Luckily for Cartman it lands on Clyde, "Clyde! Truth or dare?"

"Dare!" He exclaims excitedly, "I dare you to... Let me wax your pubes." The second Kenny's words leave his mouth Clyde's face falls, "are you serious?!" He asks completely not expecting that kind of dare.

"Yep." Kenny says confidently and Clyde sighs, grabbing a shot glass he takes his first shot.

The game once again goes on;
- Cartman chugs a jar of pickle juice,
- Clyde made a Snapchat story where he cried about being adopted,
- Kenny ate a small tampon,
- Cartman took four shots and vomited after being dared to go outside and picked up exactly twenty-five blades of grass with tweezers, in the foot of snow,
- Clyde took two shots after being dared to write a fake letter to your doctor about dick warts and "accidentally" post it.
- And Kenny tried to take five shots and vomited after being asked what his biggest secret is.

That means Cartman and Kenny will be out if they don't complete their next truth/dare. Clyde is very clearly in the lead.

"So... Cartman. You've said your crush is single and in our friend group, so... What's their hair colour?" Kenny asks innocently and Cartman's face flushes red.

"I... Uhh..." Cartman having to choose between money and his secrets is not a fun game for him. Eventually he mumbles, "red," and quickly goes to spin the bottle again, but Kenny stops him. "Nope. Everyone has to hear what you said."

"IT'S KYLE OKAY! MY CRUSH IS KYLE!" Cartman exclaims and immediately regrets what he's done. "Yeah... We know." Kenny replies casually and Cartman looks up at everyone in surprise.

"Yeah, you're not great at hiding your emotions..." Kyle says completely unbothered as he slowly drinks from his water bottle. Still recovering from vomiting.

"Why did no one tell me it was that obvious?!" Cartman exclaims, now regretting drinking so much in an attempt to hide his feelings. "Well, you were always in denial about being gay. So we wanted to wait until you came out of the closet before talking about it." Stan replies.

"Well then... Ah, did you want to go out some time Kyle?" Cartman asks before going to continue the game. "I mean you've already kissed me so why not?"

With Kyle's acceptance under his belt Cartman continues the game with confidence. "Kenny, truth or dare?" Cartman asks as the bottle stops on the blonde.


"I dare you to kiss my ass."

Silence fills the room as Kenny contemplates the dare, but ultimately decides it's not worth the money. "I've got a boyfriend whose ass I kiss for cash. I don't need to kiss your ass." Kenny says confidently, "talk like that and you'll get nothing." I reply earning a playfully apologetic hug from Kenny.

With only Cartman and Clyde left they play rock paper scissors to see who goes next, Cartman wins and dares Clyde to eat mayo filled Oreos. Clyde sighs, admitting defeat. "I just can't ruin Oreos man. That feels like a crime."

"Who wants to chill and watch movies because this entire game was a mistake?" I ask and everyone raises their hands in agreement. Well, expect Kenny "Hey! It wasn't a mistake!"

"So you don't want cuddles and a movie?" I ask and Kenny immediately changes his tune, "you're right. Truth or dare was a mistake and I definitely want cuddles."

Authors Note: That's the end! Nothing spicy because ~I don't know how to write that shit~ I hope you enjoyed it anyways. Let me know what you want to see next and what ages you want them to be. Maybe a cute Y/n x Kenny wedding? More Hero stuff? We'll just have to see what inspires me.

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