Break Me

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"Vision?" calls Wanda from the kitchen, her husband paying no notice to her as he continues to speak to you and your aunt, Natasha, about some boring event that happened at his company. You politely smile at him, feeling like this is the hundredth fake smile you've given him since Wanda left to go to the kitchen, and nod along to his rambling. "Vision, can you come and help please?" Wanda calls again, louder this time but he still ignores her.

 It seems like the perfect excuse to leave the conversation, so you excuse yourself to see if Wanda is alright, earning a glare from Natasha. You salute her and mockingly pray for her, holding your hands together and looking up at the ceiling, before making your way through the Maximoff household. Truth be told you have no idea where the twins were but you're sure they're being well behaved somewhere, probably trying to escape their fathers boring idea of a conversation.

When you enter the kitchen, you see Wanda stood at the sink, washing the dishes from the meal you all just enjoyed to celebrate Natasha's birthday. Her stance is tense like something is bothering her but before you can ask if she's alright, a plate breaks in her hand, slicing part of her hand. She curses in Sokovian as she draws in a breath, clutching her hand while blood starts to seep out of the cut. You rush over to her, concern written all over your face as she runs her hand under the cold tap.

"Are you alright?" your voice is laced with worry while Wanda jumps at your sudden presence.

"I'm fine Y/n," she dismisses, a grimace on her face at the pain. You look at her in suspicion and when she turns and gives you a small, fake smile you know she's not fine. You walk out of the room without another word, much to Wanda's joy as she doesn't want you to see her like this, but soon return with a first aid kit from her bathroom. "Y/n, honestly dear, It's fine. I'm fine"

"Wanda your hand is bleeding and needs to be wrapped up," you gently take her hand from under the water and scan over the cut. "Please just let me help." She lets out a sigh and nods slowly making you give her a small smile in return. You gently apply some antibiotic ointment, making her hiss quietly in pain to begin with. "Sorry," you whisper, looking up to see her eyes transfixed on you. A blush forms on your cheeks, and you turn away to find a bandage. You take it from the kit and slowly start wrapping it around her hand, mindful that it needs to be tight to an extent but not too tight.

After a few layers, you cut the bandage and tie it together, so its stays wrapped up. "All done," you murmur, looking up to see tears brewing in her eyes. "Hey," you coo, moving your hands to wipe the tears that had fallen, "Come here," you open your arms for her to take, her body fitting against yours like a jigsaw puzzle, and hold her tight. You sway slowly with her in your arms, and you feel her eventually relax against you. "I'm not going to make you talk about it," you whisper, knowing the tears aren't just from the cut. "But can I try and kiss it better?" you tease, a soft, quiet laugh escaping her at your words, reminding her of the many times she's said it to her boys.

"Ok," she mutters, a smile tugging at her lips. You keep your gaze fixed on her emerald eyes as you raise her hand to your lips. Carefully, you place a gentle kiss on the bandage before moving to place a light kiss on her forehead, lingering for a second.

"Now it should magically feel better," your tone humorous making her laugh again.

"Thank you," her voice barely audible.

"No, thank you," you start, smiling at her. "I got away from listening to another Stark Industries meeting." She chuckles quietly, knowing all too well how boring those talks could be. "And, as Nat would kill me if I let you do any sort of work with your hand like that, what do you need me to help with?"

"You've done enough Y/n, go and relax."

"Huh what was that?" you say, making her frown in confusion, "Oh you need help with the dishes? No worries, Wanda, I'll do them for you." You hear her complain but ignore her and start working on finishing the dishes she started. A few moments later, you feel someone stand next to you and smile to yourself.

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