Can't I?

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"Wanda," you sigh out, wiping your hands dry with the tea towel before casually throwing it onto the countertop, turning around to face your wife. "You can't control me the way you do them."

"Can't I?" her head tilts at you, eyes glinting with humour and mischief as she looks at you with a smirk plastered on her face. Her hands placed the box filled with Billy's and Tommy's toys down, her magic dancing around her fingers as she lifted a hand up, eyes still transfixed on you. "Are you trying to tell me you wouldn't do anything I asked? Listen to every word I say?" Her tone is almost mocking as she talks to you, eyes challenging you to talk back.

"No," you manage out, sounding a little more pathetic than you hoped for, "I wouldn't. I'm not some puppet or toy for you to play with and control." A breathless laugh escaped her at your attempt to tell her she's wrong, her tongue coming out to wet her lips before speaking.

"Are you sure about that, love?" she walks up to you, cupping your cheeks and tilting your head down to make you look at her. "Because the way I see it is that, even though I could use you as a little puppet, I don't even need to pull your strings to get you to do what I want," her mouth moves to whisper in your ear, "You do everything willingly."

"T-that's because of your magic," you stutter back, the feeling of her body now pressed up to yours making your mind fog with arousal, her perfume invading your senses while her eyes mesmerise you.

"Oh love," she almost chuckles out, "You're the only one I don't use my magic on." Your brows furrow as she speaks, her lips tugging into a sinister smile while her hands slowly untuck your white button up shirt. "Do you want to know why?" she purrs against your lips, you only able to absentmindedly nod back due to her closeness. "Because you're already so desperate to please me, I don't need to make you do anything, you already want to do it."

Your mouth opens and closes, unable to think of anything to say back as you realise she's right, you'd do anything she wanted, magic or not.

"Do you see what I mean now, love?" she asks, snapping you out of your thoughts, her eyes returning back to green as the red slowly fades away from her irises.

"Yes," you whisper back, her hands toying with the hem of your shirt as she peers up at you, eyes darkening at the look of obedience in your eyes.

"Good," she rasps out, gaze flickering down to your lips as you subconsciously lick them. "Now, with the way you spoke to me, I think you have some making up to do," her hands slip under your shirt, nails scratching down your abdomen, leaving red marks in their trails to make you groan at the slight pain.

"What do you want me to do?" you murmur out, your mind completely filled with the thought of her.

"Kiss me," you waste no time in crashing your lips to her, hands moving to her waist and pushing her up against the kitchen island before lifting her onto it. Her legs wrap around your waist as her hands bury themselves into your hair, tugging your head back to her lips every time you pull away, reclaiming your lips for passionate kiss after kiss. You feel her moan into your mouth and take that as the chance to slide your tongue into her mouth, her immediately taking control of the kiss again before you even had the chance to try.

Her fingers hastily move to unbutton your shirt, practically ripping the buttons off before shrugging the item off your shoulders, you mirroring her action and quickly removing her shirt before working on her jeans. You moved your kisses to her neck, littering the hot skin in small marks and open mouthed kisses while your hands unfastened her jeans and pulled them down her legs before throwing them somewhere in the room to find later.

You pulled back for a moment to appreciate the sight of her, eyes somehow darkening even more at the sight of her breasts spilling out of her bra, a visible wet spot on her panties while her chest rose and fell with each ragged breath. Her hands gripped the back of your neck, pulling you back in for another kiss that was a class of teeth and tongue, not that either of you cared. As you pulled away she bit on your bottom lip, dragging it back before letting it go and smirking at the groan it caused to leave your lips.

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