The Mask of Deception

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Disclaimer: The wallpaper isn't mine!!!! I hope you guys enjoy this book!!!! (I would've started on the season Lloyd was first introduced but I'm lazy plus why not!!!) 

Allison's POV: I dodge the Mechanic's attack and land on the floor. "Get im' Kai!!!" I shouted as Kai and Zane are fighting the Mechanic side by side. I stand up and the Mechanic grazed my cheek. 

I felt blood run down my face and then used spinjitzu hitting the Mechanic. I look at Zane and shouted, "Now Zane!!!" stepping out of the way, Zane blasted ice at the Mechanic and also Kai.  "Who likes ice cream? I do!!" Zane joked. 

I roll my eyes with amusement and realize Zane also hit Kai with the ice blast. "Umm, Zane I think you hit Kai when fighting the Mechanic. Because he's frozen in place." I chuckled nervously. 

"Oops, sorry Kai." Zane nervously chuckled. I went up to Kai and melted the ice with my blue fire. Kai was shivering I looked at him with both amusement and annoyance, "Kai, you should've stayed away BEFORE Zane blasted the Mechanic. Look at you, you're shivering!!!" I scolded him if he was my brother, Lloyd.

"I didn't..know that..Zane was going to blast ice..beforehand...." Kai retorted while shivering. "Come on, the others might be waiting on us." Zane said a couple of feet from us. I got up and looked myself over. 

I had a wound on my cheek and a few scratches. I placed a Band-Aid on the wound on my cheek and hoped that Lloyd wouldn't notice. When we went to the place we all met up at I heard Lloyd's voice. 

It wasn't squeaky like it was last time I saw him but it sounded deeper. "Well, looks like someone has changed. I guess I'm not the only one." I called out as I was walking in. I saw Raelyn my best friend and my other friends, they looked a little different. All that's changed about me was that my hair was thicker and I dyed part of my hair blue. 

Lloyd's POV: I looked at my sister with narrowed eyes, she looked shorter compared to me. She had a Band-Aid on one of her cheeks and I knew something happened. "What did you do?" I asked with a hint of anger in my voice. 

"The Mechanic only grazed me, it's nothing really." Allison stammered a little. "A little? Being grazed is not a little, Allison." I cocked an eyebrow. Allison looked at me her blue eyes narrowed. "Can you calm down for once in your life?" she said annoyed. 

Allison turned around and walked away. I follow her wanting to tell her about the parachute logo. When I had caught up to her,  she had her headphones on and was listening to music. I took her headphones off and she stared at me her blue eyes with blazing anger in them. 

"Why did you do that?!?! First you scold me, then you interrupt my music?!?! Now that's cruel work." she stood up she was flexing her fingers I knew I was in danger.  "Hey, hey calm down. I want you to see something." I took out the piece of paper with the logo on it. 

Allison snatches the paper and looks at me, her eyes widened with fear and shock. "Where did you find this?" her voice had fear and anger. I hesitated remembering the parachute and the people in masks. "I founded this when I was on top of Borg Tower. There were people with masks, they were after something. I don't know what it was, but it was something dangerous." 

Allison studied the paper, she was pretty intelligent, she got it from our mother. "It looks like.. Father." She looked up her eyes with terror and fear. Cole walked in, "What's going on? Is everything okay?" 

Allison nodded her head, "Everything's fine, Cole. Can you please leave us?" Cole nodded his head, understandingly, "Sure, Lloyd when are we going to be at the Emperor's palace?" I looked at him, "In about 30 minutes." Cole left the room, I turned to Allison, "Did you have any visions while you were gone?" 

Allison shook her head, "Not in a while, I'll tell you when I have one." I remembered the vision Allison had last time, "It was a vision, it said, Time will be shattered and a loved one will be lost." I had looked at her and asked her that who will be lost. At the time she didn't tell me, later we realized that it was Master Wu that'll be lost. 

Later Allison's POV: After listening to music for 30 minutes, we all went inside the palace. I turned to Raelyn, "I wonder what they want." I muttered. Raelyn looked forward and walked over to Cole. 

"Love-birds." I scoffed with amusement. My vision then blurred. Blood rose from the ground, I looked up and saw a pair of red eyes. "Father..." I muttered. The blood drowned me, a voice whispered a message, Darkness and blood will rule over Ninjago

I woke up I realized that I was standing up. My legs were numb, I looked around realizing I was still in the palace. I searched for Lloyd and the others, they were ahead of me. I speedwalked to them, realizing I was in front of the emperor and royal family. 

I fixed my scarf and  chuckled nervously. I stood between Nya and Lloyd. A girl with makeup walked towards us. "I have read so much about all of you. Your heroics surely became a legend." I took it as a compliment. 

One by one, the princess gave us descriptions, she came up to me and Lloyd. "..and Allison and Lloyd, the youngest ninjas and protectors, the chosen ones." she turns to me "I thought your hair was all blond, not blue and blond." 

I chuckled nervously running my fingers through my hair, "I wanted to get a new look, so people don't confuse me with Raelyn and Lloyd. I guess you didn't get us confused." The princess chuckled lightly. 

"I too have lost my parents. But we are both without family hmm?" Harumi commented. I looked at the empress and emperor and back at her. I tilted my head to the side, "But.." I pointed at the empress and emperor. 

"We adopted Harumi and raised her as our own." the empress explained, the emperor nodded, "When her parents passed away." I nodded slowly and bowed my head, "I'm sorry about your parents, they must've been good people." 

 Meanwhile Brodee's POV: I looked around, Mr. E next to me, "When's the Quiet One coming?" I asked impatiently. Mr. E shrugged.  I heard voices a couple of feet away from where we were hiding. "Ugh, why is that mask so ugly? Not trying to be rude, but why?" a girl's voice was heard. I looked and saw ninjas and the voice belonged to a girl with blond and blue hair. She had blazing blue fire in her eyes. 

My chest started to pound loudly, I shook my head and went back into hiding. I then saw four of the ninja go to the buffet table, one of them was the blond girl. "Cole is being a party pooper?" The girl rolled her eyes, and slapped a boy with black hair on the back, "Don't be a party pooper, Cole and plus, there's cake. Come on."

"My body's a temple!!" the boy named Cole said annoyed. I chuckle at the blond girl laugh loudly at her joke. A boy with red-brown hair and freckles walked past the blond girl and Cole. "Get im' Allison!!" 

"So her name's Allison." I muttered under my breath. Allison turned to Cole and began to chase after him. Mr. E tapped my shoulder annoyed, I turned to him and asked, "Oh, umm, what's the signal?" 

Mr. E put his hand to his face I then heard a voice over my earpiece, "In a little bit, we'll light the place to the ground. When you're doing it, retrieve the mask. Is that clear?" "Yes, Quiet One." I said stiffing a sigh. 

Allison Garmadon AU (Sons of Garmadon)Where stories live. Discover now