chapter 2

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~~ Lira's POV ~~

"We are the last Riders of Fiore." Reya said just as Ro and Lor rounded the corners to stand in the door way. I wasn't suprized when everyone looked shocked. Reya for once in her life time, was smirking.

"The last Riders?" The master asked in disbelief.

"Yes." Reya said, both of our faces going dark at the memory of how we became the last Riders, Ro whined and Lor bowed in his own way, to honor the fallen.

"But we didn't come here just so we could think about the past. We've mostly moved on. So let's get down to business." I said, trying to stop the horrible memories that threatened to push me into a panic attack. I never did good with sad, depressing, or trauma filled memories, thus every time I think about it, I think I'm reliving them and go into a panic attack.

"Why did you come here then?" The master said.

"We came here because we heard that you guys are trying to track down a dark guild. We want to help you." Reya said.

"And why's that?" He asked.

"We want revenge." I said while bunching up my fists and glaring at the floor. Lor bumped his head against my back to snap me out of my hate filled thoughts, but I still looked at the floor.

"And why do you want revenge?" The blond asked, and I snapped my head up to glare at him.

"Because they're the reason why we are the last Riders." I growled at him, earning a warning glare from Reya because she knows I could start an extremely violent fight when I'm like this. Lor grabbed the back of my top to keep me from doing anything I would regret later.

"Lira, go take Ro on a run around the city while I explain things and talk over with the guild master about the arrangemens." Reya know that by getting me to ride, I would calm down so I wasn't as dangerous.

"Ro, let's go." I turned around and mounted Lor. I leaned forward, and stood slightly, so I was hovering over the saddle. Lor tribes around so we were facing the exit.

"Be back in 15. Lor, go!" I told Reya before Lor let out a roar and we took off at half speed. Rider's companions have the ability to easily double, even triple, the animal's normal speed. Right now, Lor and I were probably going at about 65 mph, and that's slightly less then half of Lor's top speed. About a forth of the way around the city, I noticed a magic source not far behind. I looked behind and noticed who ever was following us, was using lightning magic. 'Great. It this guy again.' I looked behind again, only to find that he was literaly right behind us. 'How the fuck did he get there?'

"Lor, increase your speed a bit."

"Are you Shure?"

"Yes. I wanna test his limits." I grinned. 'Well let's see whose faster.' Lor did what I asked him to do. And soon he was falling behind a bit, but not for long.

"If you wanna beat me, your gonna have to be able to go faster then that." He smirked as he started running right next to us. If I wasn't busy trying to be able to out run him, I would of been staring at him.

"What'cha staring at?" He smirked again, and I realize that I was staring at him! 'SHIT!! WHEN DID THAT HAPPEN?!?!' I quickly looked away, trying to not blush at the fact that I was staring at him, and I didn't realize I was doing it.

"Lor, increase your speed by 30 mph."

"Okay. But were coming back to the guild."

"Shit. Your right. Hey scar face. Let's say we make a bet. The lose has to do what ever the winner says for a day."

"Sounds fine my me." He shot forward. 'So he can still run faster yet.'

"I'm gonna take a guess and say full speed ahead."

"You know me so well." Lor speeded up to as fast as he could go with out pushing it, which is about 150 mph. Amazingly scar face was only a bit behind, but I could tell this was as fast as he could go. We crossed the gates and came to a harsh stop.

"Ha! I win! Bow down before your new ruler!!" I shouted as I dismounted. He only sighed in defeat.

"But I must say, your definitely a worth competitor. My name is Lira Silverstream." I stuck out a hand for him to shake.

"Laxus Dreyar. And thanks." He shook my offered hand.

"Say, how are you able to go that fast when your not using magic? I mean like how can you breath with that much wind in your face?" He asked.

"We Riders usually have lungs that allow us to breath at high speeds like that." I responded as we walked back into the guild.

"That didn't take 15 minutes." Ro looked up from his spot on the floor.

"Well, things came up, and we ended up in a race, and yeah." I awnsers, Laxus just gave me a weird look.

"What? Ooh! Yeah, Ro and Lor at telepathic with who ever they choose." I awnsered his unspoken question.


"Hey Reya! How are things going?" I asked is I strolled up to the bar where Reya and the guild master were seated.

"Lira, your being loud again. And things are going fine. Master Makarov has agreed to let us join them in trying to find the dark guild. So in the mean time we can come here until the job has been completed." She replied.

"That's great!"

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