The start.

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"When will you learn?" I heard my teacher say,

"I'm sorry sir," My friend Luna apologised.

Hi, my name is Ella Phano. I'm scared right now. Afraid of what will happen. Now see when my friend apologised, that was the last word before disaster. What happened next was breathtaking. But right now I'm a 13 year old girl, wanting to be a detective, I'll try my best. But that's just a wish. I have light brown hair with very dark brown eyes.

"Anyways-" My teacher continues before he gets interrupted by the speakers.

"Attention, fire is near. Please evacuate. This is not a drill. This is not a drill." The voice

directed while some girl started screaming.

"Everyone, get into a single file line. NOW!" my teacher demanded.

If you know me, I don't listen. I quickly get up from my seat, and run toward the nearest

window, swinging my feet through the glass window. Breaking it and shattering it into a

million pieces. For some reason it felt good. But when I flashed back from reality I

realised that I'd be falling. I was only at the third story. I Quickly calculated the safest

way to stay strong and stay on the ground. For this would be at least a couple broken

bone injuries. I decided to go for the most 'Main character' way to stay safe. About 60

seconds before hitting the ground I got into a roll position, covering my head while trying

to get myself together. When I hit the ground I moved into a front roll. Causing the injury

to be manageable. I picked myself up and ran toward the fire building. It was my instinct

to help others. It was like in my blood somehow. Implanted into my mind.

Although my injury hurt, I learned to ignore the pain from a very young age.

"Pain builds character" Kept running through my mind. That was my sister's

catchphrase. And I stuck to her words. I know it's dumb of me to hold on to things. But

it's easier to hold on than let go. At least I think so.

As I got to the building I could see it is a office. Or.. it was. I was wondering how

We got information about the burning building before the Firefighters came. They usually rush to get here.

"Hellp!" I heard a little voice come.

It was either an old person, or a young kid. If it was a young kid they'd be one

lucky duck, because the poor kid's lungs would be filled up with the smoke. It would be

worse for someone's grandma.

"Hey kid!" I heard an older voice all out, "Put your shirt over your mouth like this!"

So it is a kid, I thought, even though I couldn't see them, I knew that they were in

trouble. They were yelling. Hoping that someone might eavesdrop and liston giving

them some reassuring that they are okay,

"Hehe okay!" The little boy yelled over the pouring fire. I couldn't tell if the kid did it or not

but I knew that the man had it under control.

"On the count of three, jump ok mate?" the man said in his thick British accent.


"2!" The little boy yelled, thinking its a joke, of some sort,

"1." The man demanded as the boy jumped. The colour of red and dark orange left the

kid's body when he jumped. The couple people there tried to huddle around the kid,

hoping to catch him. They were young and dumb I bet. The wind was strong but not

strong enough to destroy the fire to the ground. I took about 6 and a half steps from the

crowd. The boy was close to the ground now. As the wind redirected I shifted to the

southwest. The kid was only seconds before landing into my arms. When he did my

arms slipped making him inches away from the ground. Leg almost feeling the burnt

gravel and dead grass. He looked at me with terror and fear as the building blew up.

"Shhh.. It's okay." I reassured him. He was scared. I could tell. Anyone would be.

"I-Is the kind man still alive?" he asks,

"I think so, Look! Now the firefighters are here!"

"Yaay! I wanna be like them one day.." The little boy told.

"Maybe one day.." I thought.

And just like that the mystery started.

Word count: 731

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