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For some reason my school was open the next day after that. At school I got

called out from my desk. "Ella, They need you at the front," My teacher calls, "I don't know why."

"Okay.. Am I in trouble?"

"I don't know." He responds and just like that I was on my way out. I tucked in my

chair and headed to the front. When I got there I saw a young man with a suitcase. Oh

no. thought,

"Hey Ella!" The assistant principal said, "Come meet Detective Martin."

Honestly at this point I was scared.

"Hello. I heard you were the one who caught the boy, avoiding the crowd and

figuring out the safest route for the child's safety under extreme pressure."

"Uhh, yes, that's me."

"Would you like to try and put your skills to the test?"

"I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about, sir."

"Would you like to finish this case with me? If you'd like, you can get a free


"I don't know what to say. I appreciate the offer sir, And I'd like to take it, but i don't know

if I can manage school, and this job,"

"Oh don't worry," He says, "You can. Trust me. Many people have."

And my journey began.

 After class we agreed to meet up at our local park, the 6th bench. I was honestly nervous, scared that I might fail. I was also excited to see what the topic would be about. He hadn't said anything about it the first time we met. I escaped my thoughts when I heard someone sit down. I decided to look over and it was detective Martin. Thank god! I thought. I've never been really good at talking to people. I've had a somewhat fearful of it. It always scared me that anything could happen.

"So, what's it about?" I asked

"It's about the fire yesterday," He states while taking off his sunglasses and cleaning it

from the end of his opened suit,

"If you don't mind, what happened yesterday?" I stuck my nose into this subject.

"A robbery while a fire,"

"Ouch, Why was there a kid in the building though?"

"We don't know, possibly a distraction,"

"Hm.. Any clues?"

"Just this, you can get started working on it. I heard you wanted to be a detective, today

can be your lucky day. Get started on what you can."

"Okay," I called to him, getting up and taking the suitcase in a way not to draw out


Word count: 405

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