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When I got to my apartment I decided to look and read the documents. Headings

from yesterday, and some he thinks are from previous crimes, they think also did this,

there were some files on some people and places. I'm not pretty sure how I got here or

why I'm reading classified information, but I mean I wasn't complaining. Next, I drew out

evidence, obviously with gloves, I grabbed the first transparent bag I saw. I

observed the notes possibly from the criminal. If this was the guy, he sucks at writing.

After a while of searching and investigating I decided to go to the crime scene

once again. When I got to the place I could already tell people had been there, qualified

people. Investigating what they could, and if they couldn't bring it, they'd sketch it or

something. I brought out my notebook and started a sketch of the dead building, then

each room, and from where the kid was thrown, what looks like it used to be an office,

and other places. Every. Single. Detail.

I was confused why the money was left there on the ground, shouldn't it be

placed back in the bank or something? When I looked up

I realised I was in an untouched area, looks like the other people didn't notice this.

Or maybe avoided it.

There were so many questions but not enough answers. So the next best thing

was going to see the victims house. I decided to go to the boss, or well owner of the

building first. When I knocked on the door I heard a couple voices,

"Hello? Excuse me I'm here for the-"

"If you're here for the investigation for the office I don't know anything. Mate," He

interrupted me a firm voice,

"Well sir I'm trying to-" he walked away and slammed the door into my face.

"Help.." I finished.

Well, one down, just 2 to go, I wrote in the notebook, HE was kinda suspicious, or he was just in a

bad mood. Anyways, who would wanna rob their own company?

When I got to the next person's house this person was super kind, and quite the

opposite of the boss. When I knocked it only took her about 3 minutes to open the door.

I wrote that into my book, keeping track of everything and anything. For this one I

decided to approach it in a different way.

"Hello ma'am, I heard about your office. And I'm so sorry."

"Thank you kind one," She thanked.

"Anyways I'm not authorised but I could be if I finish this assignment, that's what I

wanna be when I grow a little more,"

"Ohh, a detective?" She questioned,

"Yes. Anywho do you know anything about the crime?"

"I remember seeing a shadow, But I forgot how big it was. I'm sorry."

"Oh okay.." I wrote that down, "Anything else?"

"No, sorry. I hope you succeed!"

"Thank you!"

"Yes." She states and shuts the door

2 down, one to go..

This time it wasn't a worker, or a boss. Not even an adult. I decided to find the

kids' house and head to it. After about 30 minutes of asking and figuring it out, I found

out he lives in 3118 house at the end of quarter street. As I headed down I tried to piece

the puzzles together, looking at my notes and shading in the drawing of the burnt

building. I wouldn't say that the drawing wasn't bad, I just say it's an adjusting sketch.

When I got to his house I knocked about 7-8 minutes before an older woman

answered the door.

"Hello, could I see your son? It's for the invitation." It looks like she teared up.

She nodded her head and led me inside. Bingo I thought as I saw him.

"Hey bud, how are you holding up?" I asked.

"I-I'm good, just a little like, still frozen up by the event yesterday."

"Of course, anyone would. And you handled it So well!"

"Hehe yeah, do you want any chips or candy floss? My mom bought extra from the shop


"No, But thank you. Anyways I never got your name, what is it?"

"Oh it's Leo,"

"Thanks Leo, I'm Ella, I'll get going now, but do you know anything about the event yesterday?"

"No, sorry Ella. But thanks! See ya around!"

"See ya!"

And Just like that, I had some more unanswered questions

Word count: 713

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