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My hair was down following the rhythm of the fresh winter breeze. I just stood

there. Why would a kid do that?

When Detected Martin came back he read my mind.

"Why would a kid do that?" He asks.

"Instead of asking that, try asking, 'Who would make a kid do that?'"

"You're good."

"I know." I agree

"The police will be here shortly." He announces to me,

"Okay, I'll go and see the kid,"

"Oh no you're not! They're taking care of that, meanwhile you have an application to fill out."

"What?" I ask

"Yeah, You earned the scholarship."

"If I may, could I be your partner? Obviously when I finish with the school,"

"I was about to ask you.. But who said you can't be my partner in not-crime now?"

"Not-crime? Really Detective Martin?"

"What else do we call it?"

"I don't know! Just use the actual phrase."

"What is the actual phrase?"

"Context clues man!"

"Yeah right!"

There was a long silence before I broke that too.

"Could we.. Go see the kid? Ask him why?"

"Fine. I'll call them off and send them here."

"Okay." after asking that we took a walk toward his house, asking random questions.

"What would you choose?"

"Probably eat,"


"Yeah, I'd want a fish and chips,"

"Good poi- wait You like Fish and chips?"

"Yeah! Who doesn't?"

"I don't. I don't like fish,"

"WHAT?!" He yells,


"Right," He remembers, "We're close, Put on your game face."

"Who says I don't have it on now?" I look at him.

"Anyone. Literally Anyone."

"Ouch," I state.

Word count: 233

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