Blast To The Past

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Soft taps on his face, a killer headache, and loud noise caused Casey to shoot up from his place on the ground. He looked to his sides, expecting to see Bee but she wasn't there. A pit formed in his stomach as he thought of the worst.

She didn't make it. Or what if she did make it but someone took her while he was out?

"Ah!" A high-pitched scream from above his head startled him. It was then he noticed an unfamiliar weight on the top of his head. What the...?

The weight on his head moved and ended up slipping off onto his lap. Casey let out a huge sigh of relief when he noticed that the weight on his head had been Bee. She must've climbed up there while he was unconscious.

"Bee, don't scare me like that." He said but was too relieved to put any sternness in his voice. The adorable baby giggled and reached out her arms toward him. He swiftly picked her up and began to observe their surroundings.

He was amazed at what he saw. Buildings standing tall and all casting a neon glow around the place. And there were so many people. More people than he's ever seen in one place. The sky was so beautiful and blue. He remembers Master Leonardo talking about blue skies and how beautiful they were.

Unfortunately, he had no time to gaze at the sky. He had a mission to complete.

"All right, Casey, here we go. Find the key, stop the Krang." He looked down at Bee to make sure she was comfortable and ready to go. She was looking around with wonder, not looking very disturbed. Casey knows that this mission will be a little difficult while carrying Bee around, but he's up to the challenge. After all, he can't just leave his sister anywhere in this unknown place.

Casey tapped the side of his head and his mask fell down over his face.

He looked around and decided to run in the direction of the stairs behind him. It's not like he had any clue where to start so running in a random direction isn't too bad of an idea.


Well, apparently running in a random direction hadn't been the best idea. Casey ended up in a large crowd of people that were constantly bumping into him. And that doesn't even begin to compare to how overwhelmed he felt by the loud noise. Usually, he was used to hearing this much noise from the monsters but now it was coming from all of these people. Never in his life has he been around so many people.

As people continued to push by him he tried his best to be polite. "Sorry. Excuse me."

Not even his mask was picking up any people of interest in this large crowd of people. Ugh, he needed to get out of here.

Casey ran and dodged the people coming his way and managed to slip away into an alley. He then extended an arm out towards the sky and shot his grappling hook in the direction of a random building. He made sure Bee was extra secure before the hook latched onto something and they were pulled up into the air. He landed on a building that overlooked the crowd.

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