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A week. A week since the invasion ended.

Leo still hadn't woken up from his coma.

Raph had been constantly checking on everyone, especially Bee. After he was done checking up on everyone in the lair, he'd sneak off to the hospital and stay with Bee and Casey for a few hours. Other than that, he'd been training as much as he could. Of course, he ran it by Donnie and got a list of exercises he could do. Raph tried his best to keep himself busy throughout the day.

Donnie had taken up the role of team medic along with Splinter. Even though he wasn't as well versed in the medical field as Leo was, he studied as much as he could to be able to take care of the family. They would re-apply bandages, check on wounds, give medication, and Donnie would examine his brothers' shells to make sure the epoxy was still holding up. His own shell was still wrapped in bandages that covered a number of epoxied cracks and gashes. He did the best he could despite his left arm being broken.

Mikey was always trying to hang out with his family. You probably wouldn't catch him being anywhere by himself if you even tried. He'd spend some time with Donnie in his lab, do some stretches and exercises (recommended by Donnie) with Raph in the training room, sit in the kitchen and talk to Splinter while he made tea, go with Casey and April to the hospital to see Bee, ...sometimes he'd go to the med bay and lie down next to Leo, hoping that he'll wake up.

Splinter was the family's medic alongside Donnie and also the cook. Since Mikey couldn't cook in his current state, it was his job to cook meals for the family. Not that it was a problem with him, he was the parent after all. He also tried his best to keep his son's spirits high. Whenever any of them woke up screaming from nightmares, he was there in an instant. He'd give them hugs, talk to them, sit with them, whatever they needed.

April was running herself thin trying to run errands for everyone while also visiting Bee and attending her now online classes. She'd also been trying her best to make sure no one was bottling up their feelings. She constantly assured them they could come to her if they needed to get something off their minds, and sometimes they did. Usually, late at night when no one was around, one of them would come around and confess their emotions and thoughts and April would sit there, listening and comforting them while also giving some advice if they wanted it. The other practically had to force her to take a few days away from the lair to focus on herself.

Casey had essentially gone quiet ever since he came back from the hospital. Splinter gave him a room in a spare train car that was between Raph and Donnie's car. He barely talked and was only seen at breakfast and dinner. When he wasn't at the lair, he was at the hospital with Bee. Every night Raph would wake up in the middle of the night to Casey's phone (made by Donnie of course) ringing, always a call from the hospital saying that Bee's heart had stopped or that she wasn't going to make it to the morning. And every time Casey would rush out of his car and take the turtle tank to the hospital. And every time he came home with a numb look in his eyes and eye bags looking worse than the previous day. No one knew how to help since he avoided them as much as possible outside of breakfast and dinner.

Every day it seemed like Bee's condition was changing. One day she could be breathing, not normally but still breathing and alive, other days she could be on her last leg and ready to die at any moment. She had two broken ribs and arm fractures. Doctors declared her inoperable since putting her under would definitely kill her. Only once had they gotten a call different from the usual ones. It had been three days since they stopped the Krang invasion.

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