Chapter 7

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So there might be some changes to this story, but not certain. Just know that there might be some! Also I updated Alastair like two weeks again so check that out if you haven't already. Trying to type as much as I can without losing inspiration. :P




I turned over in the cloud softened sheets at the break of daylight waking me. The ray peaking out from the corner of the curtains beaming down on my face. Mumbling to myself, I moved my hand above me weakly trying to get the sun away. My eyes squinted greatly at the bright light having no other choice but to sit up. The rabbit's foot Nyx gave me last night falling into my lap.

A yawn broke past my lips as I grabbed the charm and pulled the covers back. I couldn't remember what I dreamt but I knew it had something to do with last night. All the images were blurry in my minds but the feelings was still well settled in my chest.

I slipped into my slippers Nyx gave to me. I didn't bother to change out of my pajamas since I wanted to see Nyx's face right away. Greet him 'good morning' and make him breakfast. Especially to apologize for what happened last night. I didn't mean to get upset, but the topic of my family had me sensitive; Which I knew he understood that.

I pulled the door open heading out and to the living room first. I couldn't believe it. I could smell the food from miles away. How did he beat me up again! It wasn't even that far past the crack of dawn! I hurried into the kitchen to find him, but all I found was a plate on the table with my breakfast on it. Nyx no where to be found.

I sat down quietly and ate the delicious food. My stomach even wanted to thank Nyx for the meal with a burp. I sighed knowing I shouldn't be getting used to this. He was teaching me to cook for a reason and I needed to learn. And fast before I found myself homeless.

With the food out of the way, I took a tour around the house starting with Nyx's room. I even checked the bath for him. He was no where insight and not answering to me.

I headed to the front door, the locks he had unlocked as the chain dangled against the frame of the door. "Nyx?" I called opening the door. The sun that woke me from my dream greeted me with its warm rays. Though I wasn't cold, I shivered at the warmth. The cool temperature and warm mixing on my skin felt nice. The pajamas weren't thick to block away that.

"Nyx?" I called again looking around. All the green around me I slowly started to forget why I had came outside. The trees dances beautifully against the wind, its leafs deciding when to fall from the branches. Moss was decorating more of the tree trunks out in front by the road I took to get here.

I moved passed the brick pattern that was pushed into the dirt to get away from the door, going around the house. Even the horse was gone. Maybe I should just go back in and wait. Who knows how Nyx would react to seeing me outside, and in my sleepwear at least. I glanced passed the fence and to the road. The trees around me only catching my attention until I saw the flowers in front of the house.

If he had a pond too this would be perfect.

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